
时间:2018-07-30    来源:经典美文    点击:

dsc-qx100 第一篇_QX100在微生物相关文献简述

第一篇: Detection of Low-concentration Host mRNA Transcripts in Malawian Children at Risk for Environmental Enteropathy

华盛顿大学医学院儿科和加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校医学院儿科的研究人员建立了一种稳定可靠的基于RNA磁珠提取和微滴式数字PCR的方法,可从粪便样本中检测与EE(热带肠病)关联的人mRNA,灵敏度可达20拷贝GAPDH mRNA/200mg粪便样本。文章发表在2013年1月第一期的J PEDIATR GASTR NUTR(小儿胃肠病学和营养杂志)上。



qPCR具有更高的灵敏度(Figure 2)。基于ddPCR的粪便样本RNA检测手段可用于筛选与消化道疾病相关的核酸标记。

ddPCR exhibited higher sensitivity than qRT-PCR on higher copy number target GAPDH (2.2 times) and lower copy number targets LAP3, TJP1(3.3 times), with a greater relative sensitivity for the latter (Fig. 2).






Quantitative Analysis of Food and Feed Samples with Droplet Digital PCR




PLOS ONE杂志2013年5月第8卷发表了第一篇QX100应用于GMO检测的文章:“Quantitative Analysis of Food and Feed Samples with Droplet Digital PCR”。这篇文献通过实验论证了ddPCR在GMO检测领域的优点和可行性,并与qPCR以及cdPCR(芯片式数字PCR)作了系统比较。结果显示,ddPCR灵敏度堪比cdPCR和qPCR,其超过4个数量级的动态范围优于cdPCR(2-3个数量级),可满足日常GMO检测需要。此外与qPCR相比,ddPCR对低丰度核酸样本的重复性更好,且对抑制成分不敏感。ddPCR用于GMOS检测的通量和成本优于qPCR和cdPCR,可作为GMOs常规检测技术。


RNA Biol_WitwerKW_June 2013

2011年,Nature网站介绍了中国南京大学张辰宇教授团队的新发现——植物microRNA可以通过日常膳食摄取的方式进入人体的血液和组织器官。并且,一旦进入体内,它们将通过调控人体内靶基因表达的方式影响人体的生理功能,进而发挥生物学作用。这一研究成果公布在Cell research杂志上。

近日,来自约翰·霍普金斯大学医学院的研究人员以尾纤猕猴为研究对象进行了类似研究。这篇文章发表在近期的RNA Biology上。



第四篇: Touchdown digital Polymerase Chain Reaction for Quantification of Highly Conserved Sequences in the HIV-1 Genome


A Unique Y Gene in the Asian Malaria Mosquito Anopheles Stephensi Encodes a Small Lysine-rich Protein and is Transcribed at


第五篇: Development and evaluation of a Next Generation dPCR Diagnostic Assay for Ocular Chlamydia Trachomatis Infections

QX100一个非常大的应用方向是微生物的检测(尤其是复杂来源的样品),之前已有多篇HIV(病毒方面)相关的文献。最近又有2篇QX100对于细菌和衣原体检测方面的文献发表, 结合之前的文献,我们可以给大家一个清晰的概念,QX100可以对复杂来源样品中的病毒、细菌等微生物进行检测,而且是以绝对定量的方式进行,不再需要依赖于标准曲线,简化了实验操作。最新的2篇文献大致介绍如下:

1,由英国科学家完成的采用QX100对沙眼衣原体的检测,发表于J Clinical Microbiol。沙眼衣原体是致盲的一个主要原因,该文章对1509个临床样品进行了双重的ddPCR反应体系与金标准Roche Amplicor CT/NG进行了对比,得到了如下的结论:

"The ddPCR technology has great utility as a diagnostic. Unlike most other NAATs, this method requires no external or internal calibration yet delivers a highly accurate estimation of target load. The inclusion of a human target allows a system of internal control that indicates (but does not discriminate between) experimental failures that are due to either technical PCR failure or to the absence of a sample of human origin in the specimen.

We have validated a highly specific quantitative ddPCR assay and applied it to population monitoring of ocular C. trachomatis infections. This method could rapidly be adapted for use in the detection of sexually transmitted C. trachomatis infections, where a higher sensitivity than that which we have estimated would be desirable. This study represents an early example of the usefulness of this next generation digital PCR method in diagnosing infections in clinical specimens within the arena of infectious diseases."


Detection of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus by A Duplex ddPCR Polymerase Chain Reaction

由美国科学家完成的采用QX100对耐甲氧 西林的金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)检测,也发表于J Clinical Microbiol。MRSA从发现至今感染几乎遍及全球,已成为院内感染的重要病原菌之一,该文章对397个临床样品进行了双重的ddPCR反应体系与Roche 480定量PCR方法进行了对比。也是采用QX100进行细菌定量研究的首篇文献。


Digital Quantitation of Potential Therapeutic Target RNAs

近年来在小RNA的研究方面长非编码RNA(long noncoding RNA, lncRNA)的研究成为热点,lncRNA是一类转录本长度超过200个核苷酸的RNA分子的总称。lncRNA的表达水平相对于编码蛋白的基因一般比较低,重要的是很多这些lncRNA虽然不直接参与基因编码和蛋白质合成,但是在基因转录后调控、剪切和修饰具有十分重要的功能,在很多生命活动中均起着举足轻重的作用,和疾病的发生、发展、诊断和治疗有密切的关系,迅速成为当今分子生物学最热门的前沿研究领域之一。另外,lncRNA的亚细胞位置上也呈多样化,在细胞核、细胞质和细胞器均有分布,甚至某些lncRNA具有独特的亚细胞位置,有可能是全新的亚细胞构成。



最近美国科学家在NUCLEIC ACID THERAPEUTICS上发表了首篇将QX100应用于lncRNA研究的文献,原文请见附件,其中hightlight的部分供大家参考。

dsc-qx100 第二篇_洗菜机和QX100臭氧消毒洗菜机价格



dsc-qx100 第三篇_2013年度最佳发明:咖啡酒、羊角甜甜圈、3D打印笔



李殊 选

The year 2013 has seen a wide array of inventions, some of them solving problems that we never thought could be solved and others simply making life more fun. Which of these inventions stand out? Check out some of the things that made it into Time magazine’s list of the 25 best inventions of 2013.

The Driverless (Toy) Car


San Francisco-based Anki wants to bring robotics to the people. The company’s first offering is Anki Drive, a $200 racing game in which toy cars can drive themselves. The cars carry sensors that feed data to an iPhone or iPad, which players can use to control speed and position for their cars. Meanwhile, the Anki app computes actions of the enemy cars so they can compete as craftily as the humans.

Gravity’s Lightbox


For his film Gravity, set entirely in space, director Alfonso Cuarón had to throw out the normal sci-fi playbook. Working with cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki, he created a “lightbox”: a 20-by-10-ft. (6 by 3 m) structure covered with 196 panels of 4,096 LED bulbs each to simulate the extreme light in outer space. The box had the added bonus of being able to project images that would be added later in CGI, so that the actors had a visual reference.

Alcoholic Coffee


Portuguese and Spanish researchers writing in the journal LWT—Food Science and Technology announced the birth of a new coffee-based beverage. They dried used grounds, heated the powder in scalding water for 45 minutes, removed the liquid and added sugar and yeast. Then they let the mixture ferment and concentrated it to boost the alcohol content. The result? A booze that’s about 80 proof, like tequila and vodka. It’s good enough to consume , they found, and its taste might improve with age. But beware: this coffee won’t keep you awake, since most of the caffeine disappears as it brews.

Sony’s Smart Lens

索尼智能镜头 With its large sensor, high-quality glass and 3.6x optical zoom, the Sony DSC-QX100 has all the fixings of a high-quality digital camera—but it clips to your iPhone or Android phone. With Sony’s “PlayMemories Mobile” app, your phone acts as the viewfinder. Unattached, it’s the remote control. The DSC-QX100 is a bit too big to fit in a jeans pocket but plenty small enough for a bag. It retails for $499.

The Cronut


In 2013 a new fusion food joined the ranks of the ice cream cake and the turducken. The cronut—made of croissant-style pastry that’s fried like a doughnut, filled with cream and topped with glaze—transfixed foodies when New York City chef Dominique Ansel started selling it in May. His recipe inspired imitations around the world, and customers proved willing to wait hours for a taste; scalpers were even hawking the $5 treats for up to $40. The 3Doodler


Enjoy doodling? The 3Doodler promises to make it more fun. The pen doodles in three dimensions instead of two. Essentially it works like a 3-D printer, melting and cooling colored plastic to create freestanding structures in any shape imaginable. Invented by Maxwell Bogue, Peter Dilworth and Daniel Cowen at the Boston-based toy company WobbleWorks, the 3Doodler raised over $2 million on Kickstarter, the world’s largest funding platform for creative projects.

(来源:英语学习杂志 编辑:丹妮)



dsc-qx100 第四篇_时代周刊杂志揭晓2013年度25项全球最佳发明





1.无人驾驶(玩具)汽车:人工智能初创企业Anki开发出无人驾驶玩具汽车,它携带的传感器可接收iPhone或 iPad数据,使玩家很容易控制其速度和方向,能与谷歌无人驾驶汽车相匹敌。







6.电动摩托赛车Mission R:这种机械怪兽发动机可达160马力,从0加速到60迈只需3秒钟,最高时速240公里,无需充电可行驶225公里 。但它零排放,没有内燃机噪音,数字触屏控制。


8.头戴式虚拟现实眼镜:头戴式虚拟现实眼镜Oculus Rift可让玩家在三维环境中体验身临其境感觉。通过改善头部追踪功能,创造宽广的视野,以低廉成本创造家庭版虚拟现实装置。



