
时间:2015-11-24    来源:百科    点击:




MTV Video Music Awar简称VMA,即MTV音乐录影带大奖也称MTV音乐电视大奖。音乐录影带大奖是美国的音乐奖项之一,创办于1984年夏末,其目的是表彰那些最受人喜爱的MV。举办过VMA的地点包括纽约,洛杉矶,迈阿密和拉斯维加斯。VMA于每年的7月1日开始资格审查,8月末到9月中旬之间颁奖,而奖杯是宇航员在月球上的雕像。2011年8月29日,第28届MTV音乐录影带颁奖礼在洛杉矶举行。






2011年8月29日,第28届MTV音乐录影带大奖颁奖礼于当地时间28日晚在美国洛杉矶诺基亚剧院(Nokia Theatre)落下帷幕,最近两年大热的凯蒂·佩里凭借两首金曲力压Lady Gaga夺得三项大奖成为全场大赢家,其中包括含金量最高的年度最佳音乐录影带大奖,阿黛勒则获得四个技术类奖项,另外,Lady Gaga和布兰妮也各有斩获。颁奖礼上,最令人意外的则是巧克力美人碧昂斯(Beyonce)现场宣布自己怀孕以及Lady Gaga以颓废男装打扮做开场演出。


年度音乐录影带(VIDEO OF THE YEAR):Katy Perry《Firework》 最佳流行录影带(BEST POP VIDEO):Britney Spears《Till The World Ends》 最佳摇滚录影带(BEST ROCK VIDEO):Foo Fighters《Walk》 最佳Hip-Hop录影带(BEST HIP HOP VIDEO):Nicki Minaj《Super Bass》 最佳男歌手录影带(BEST MALE VIDEO):Justin Bieber《U Smile》 最佳女歌手录影带(BEST FEMALE VIDEO):Lady Gaga《BORN THIS WAY》 最佳新人(BEST NEW ARTIST):Tyler,the Creator《Yonkers》 最佳组合(BEST COLLABORATION):Katy Perry,Kanye West《E.T》 最佳艺术指导(BEST ART DIRECTION):Adele《Rolling in the Deep》 最佳摄影(BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY):Adele《Rolling in the Deep》 最佳剪辑(BEST EDITING):Adele《Rolling in the Deep》 最佳导演(Best Direction):Adele《Rolling in the Deep》 最佳舞蹈设计(BEST CHOREOGRAPHY):碧昂斯 - 《Run the World (Girls)》 最佳特技效果(BEST SFX (SPECIAL EFFECTS)):凯蒂·佩里和坎耶·维斯特 《-E.T》 最佳音乐录像带资讯奖(Best Video With A Message):Lady Gaga《BORN THIS WAY》 MTV音乐录影带终生成就先锋奖(MTV Video Vanguard Award):布兰妮


以10项提名领跑的凯蒂·佩里在颁奖礼大部分时间都为其他歌手配跑,只是凭借和说唱天王坎耶·韦斯特(Kanye West)合作的《E.T.》拿下最佳合唱和最佳特效。到了颁奖礼接近尾声的时候,凯蒂·佩里终于走出了“陪跑”的怪圈,收获了分量最重的年度最佳录影带奖,击败了大热的阿黛勒、野兽男孩、“火星哥”布鲁诺·马尔斯以及说唱新人Tyler, the Creator等歌手。Lady Gaga 男装扮相做开场表演

有趣的是,她与坎耶·韦斯特合作的《E.T》在捧走了最佳合作录影带大奖时,凯蒂在颁奖时不忘拿坎耶·韦斯特开涮而说道:“如果你想冲上舞台并打断我发表获奖感言,那么现在正是时候。”在两年前的MTV大奖颁奖礼上,坎耶·韦斯特曾冲上舞台,抢走了泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)的话筒并公开力撑碧昂斯才是当年最佳女歌手录影带的获奖者。 英国

当红女歌手阿黛勒(Adele)凭借《Rolling in the Deep》仍捧走了最佳导演、最佳艺术指导、最佳编辑与最佳摄影四项技术性大奖。而早被确认担任颁奖嘉宾的阿黛勒在现场深情演绎了大热单曲《Someone Like You》。 当晚在预演环节的走地毯环节上,这位现年29岁的乐坛天后碧昂斯亲自向媒体爆出了自己已经怀有身孕的这一震撼性新闻,此后碧昂斯的经纪人也对外确认这一说法。在外界为碧昂斯怀孕的消息感到兴奋的时候,这位准妈妈在当晚的表演舞台上为在场观众献上最新个人录音室专辑《4》中的热门单曲《Love On Top》。碧昂斯今年并不是空手而归,她凭借回归作品《Run the World (Girls)》获得了最佳舞蹈设计大奖。 当晚最大的亮点之一的Lady Gaga以颓废男性形象Jo Calderone登台,并以最新单曲《You and I》为今年的MTV大奖颁奖礼开场,来自皇后(Queen)乐队的吉他手布莱恩·梅(Brian May)的意外亮相则引发了全场的惊呼。 本届MTV大奖上的第一座月球人大奖属于小甜甜布兰妮·斯皮尔斯(Britney Spears),她凭借着最新单曲《Till the World Ends》捧得了最佳流行录影带大奖。对此,布兰妮在发表获奖感言时不禁热泪盈眶,她特别感谢了自己的孩子、乐迷以及男友,并深情地对男友说道:“杰森,我爱你。”台下的乐迷们也注意到了布兰妮无名指上所佩戴的新戒指,而布兰妮与男友订婚的消息也不径而飞。 Lady Gaga为布兰妮颁发MTV突出先锋奖时,现场向布兰妮索吻并在全场观众面前深吻了小甜甜,全场观众惊呼不断。 另外,加拿大人气歌手贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)以《U Smile》击败了Cee Lo Green、艾米纳姆(Eminem、火星哥布鲁诺·马斯以及坎耶·斯特(Kanye West),夺得了最佳男歌手录像带大奖。而R&B女歌手尼基·米娜吉(Nicki Minaj)则凭借着《Super Bass》一举击败了里尔·韦恩(Lil Wayne)以及克里斯·布朗(Chris Brown)等多位嘻哈界前辈。 另类摇滚名团喷火战斗机(Foo Fighters)乐队也出现在颁奖典礼上,并凭借着《Walk》MV捧走了最佳摇滚录影带奖。赛前大热的说唱新人Tyler,the Creator凭借单飞作品《Yonkers》拿下了最佳新人奖。 本届MTV也为刚去世的天才爵士歌手艾米·怀恩豪斯(Amy Winehouse)设立了致敬环节,托尼·本尼特(Tony Bennett)和“火星哥”布鲁诺·马斯(Bruno Mars)均在现场表达了对这位爵士歌手的敬意。托尼·本尼特向观众讲述了生前与怀恩豪斯合作的细节,布鲁诺·马斯(Bruno Mars)则在现场演唱了《Valerie》,歌曲演唱完毕后他还说了一句“亲爱的我们会想念你的”。[1]

MTV Video Music Awards(logo)

MTV Video Music Awards,简称VMA,即MTV音乐录影带大奖, 也称MTV音乐电视大奖。 音乐录影带大奖是美国的音乐奖项之一,创办于1984年夏末,其目的是表彰那些最受人喜爱的MV。VMA每年举办一次并通过MTV现场直播。迄今,举办过VMA的地点包括纽约,洛杉矶,迈阿密和拉斯维加斯,而2008年的颁奖典礼更是选在了派拉蒙电影制片厂举行。 VMA奖杯

VMA于每年的7月1日开始资格审查,8月末到9月中旬之间颁奖,而奖杯是宇 航员在

月球上的雕像。2009年的VMA已于9月13日在纽约著名的Radio City音乐厅举行。 2009年的音乐录影带颁奖礼已于9月13日于纽约的Radio City Music Hall举行 而2010年的音乐录影带颁奖礼已于美国时间9月12日在洛杉矶的 诺基亚剧院(Nokia Theater)。 2011年VMA颁奖盛典已于8月28日举行。 Lady Gaga女扮男装开场VMA盛典激情献唱新单Yoü& I , Justin Bieber获得了VMA最佳男歌手录影带 Beyonce兴奋宣布怀孕信息,并获得了最佳舞蹈设计奖。 vma收视记录同时创下新高


1990s[编辑] 1990At the 1990 MTV Video Music Awards, Madonna gave a memorable performance of her hit "Vogue," which featured Madonna and her dancers dressed in an 18th-century French theme, with Madonna bearing great resemblance to Marie Antoinette. The performance consisted of both a dramatic 18th-century reinterpretation of "Vogue" as well as her dramatically becorseted breasts.[12]

[编辑] 1991A conflict between Poison's Bret Michaels and C.C. DeVille culminated in a fistfight at the Video Music Awards in 1991. DeVille was fired and replaced by Pennsylvanian guitarist Richie Kotzen.[13] Paul Reubens had his first public appearance following an arrest for lewd-conduct earlier that year. Taking the stage in costume as Pee Wee Herman, he received a standing ovation, after which he asked the audience, "Heard any good jokes lately?"[14]

It also marked the last TV appearance of Kiss with Eric Carr, before Carr's death that November.

[编辑] 1992In the 1992 show, MTV requested Nirvana perform "Smells Like Teen Spirit", while the band itself had indicated it preferred to play new songs "Rape Me" and "tourette's". Network executives continued to push for "Teen Spirit" but finally offered the band a choice to play either "Teen Spirit" or "Lithium", which the band appeared to accept. At the performance, Nirvana began to play, and Kurt Cobain sang the first few lines of the song, "Rape Me", much to the horror of MTV execs, before continuing their regular performance of "Lithium". Near the end of the song, frustrated that his amp had stopped functioning, bassist KristNovoselic decided to toss his bass into the air for dramatic effect. He misjudged the landing, and the bass ended up bouncing off of his forehead, forcing him to stumble off the stage in a daze.[1]

Backstage, before the show, Guns N' Roses vocalist Axl Rose challenged Cobain to a fight after he, his wife and Hole frontwoman, Courtney Love, and Nirvana bandmatesKristNovoselic and Dave Grohl, egged him on. At the end of Nirvana's performance, while Cobain was trashing the band's equipment, Dave Grohl ran to the microphone and shouted "Hi, Axl! Where's Axl?" repeatedly. Guns N' Roses' video for the ballad "November Rain" won the MTV Video Music Award for best cinematography. During the show, the band performed "November Rain" with singer Elton John. Because of the dispute Rose had with Cobain, moments before the "November Rain" performance, Cobain spat on the keys of what he thought was Axl's piano. Cobain later revealed that he was shocked to see Elton John play on the piano he had spat on.[15] During the

commercial break, the Alien 3 Pepsi commercial was shown.

Radio shock-jock Howard Stern appeared as Fartman, Stern's radio super-hero. Stern was a presenter for best hard rock/metal performance with actor Luke Perry (after several other celebrities turned him down).

[编辑] 1993

Madonna has won the most VMAs at 20, the most for any artist. All were won in the 1980s and 1990s.[16]At the 1993 MTV Video Music Awards, Madonna opened the show in a gender-bending performance of her song "Bye Bye Baby," in which Madonna and her two back up singers, dressed in tuxedos and top hats, danced with women in corsets in a choreographed, highly sexual routine.[17]

RuPaul and Milton Berle, who had had conflicts backstage, presented an award together. When Berle inappropriately touched RuPaul's breasts, RuPaul ad-libbed the line "So you used to wear gowns, but now you're wearing diapers."[17]

Rapper Snoop Dogg presented the Best R&B Video award with Dr. Dre and George Clinton.

[编辑] 1994At the 1994 MTV Video Music Awards on September 8, shortly after a profanity-laced appearance on The Late Show with David Letterman, Madonna was announced to present the award for Best Group Video. She came out, arm-in-arm with an unannounced David Letterman, to a wild ovation. At the microphone, Letterman told her, "I'll be out by the car. Watch your language," and left.[18]

Recently betrothed couple Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley received a standing ovation as they walked on stage hand-in-hand. After turning to the audience and proclaiming, "And just think, nobody thought this would last," Jackson grabbed Presley and kissed her.[19] Near the end of the awards, Michael Jackson played "Thriller" in honor of Kurt Cobain who had died recently before the awards. Jackson stated later that Thriller was Kurt's favorite song by him and his death deserves his favorite song to be played. [20]

[编辑] 1995At the 1995 MTV Video Music Awards, Courtney Love's band Hole perform the song "Violet" from their major-label debut album Live Through This. This was one of the first major televised performances given by Love following the death of her husband Kurt Cobain and the death of her band's bassist Kristen Pfaff in 1994. Before beginning the song, Courtney announced, "This is for Kurt, and Kristen, and River, and Joe, and today Joni Abbott, this is for you." The song ended with Love throwing her guitar, knocking the microphone stand into the crowd and pushing over speaker-boxes with bandmate Eric Erlandson before exiting the stage.[21] Love also caused a stir when she interrupted a post-ceremony interview with Kurt Loder and Madonna by throwing her make-up compacts at the singer as they broadcast outside the awards venue.[22]

Michael Jackson performed a medley of his main songs, some new songs including "Scream." Slash played guitar on "Black or White."[23]

TLC was the biggest winner of the night winning four awards, including "Viewer's Choice", "Best Group Video", and "Video of the Year".

[编辑] 1996On September 4, at the 1996 MTV Video Music Awards, the four original members of Van Halen received 20-second standing ovation when they made their first public appearance together since their break-up in April 1985. Backstage, after presenting an award to Beck, the reunion soured bitterly, and reportedly, David Lee Roth and Eddie Van Halen nearly came to blows.[1]

Several weeks later, the public learned that Van Halen would not reunite with Roth. Roth released a statement apologizing to fans, stating that he was an unwitting participant in a publicity stunt to sell more copies of the greatest hits album, Best Of Vol. 1, and that he had been led to believe that he was rejoining Van Halen. The following day, Eddie and Alex Van Halen released a statement, stating that they had been honest with Roth, and never lead him to believe that he had been re-hired.[1]

Oasis performed 'Champagne Supernova', with lead vocalist Liam Gallagher making rude gestures at brother Noel as he was playing his guitar solo, then spitting beer all over the stage before storming off.[24]

Alanis Morissette performed "Your House", a hidden track from her bestseller album "Jagged Little Pill". The performance had nothing to do with her 1995 one. The beginning and the ending of the song were sung a cappella, while the rest was played with only one guitar on stage. At the end Morissette was close to tears.[来源请求]

The recently reunited Kiss closed the show with a special concert aired from the Brooklyn Bridge.[25]

[编辑] 1997In 1997, Pat Smear announced that he was leaving Foo Fighters half way through their performance and presented his replacement, Franz Stahl who had been a member of the band Scream with Dave Grohl.[26]

Puff Daddy released his debut album No Way Out, featuring the successful tribute single "I'll Be Missing You", dedicated to the recently murdered Notorious B.I.G. The song featured Puff Daddy, Biggie's widow Faith Evans and R&B group 112. The song sampled the melody of The Police's hit song "Every Breath You Take." All these artists performed the song with former Police vocalist Sting.[27]

The odd pairing of presenters Martha Stewart and Busta Rhymes that year drew much talk in the press.[27] They presented the best dance video award to the Spice Girls for their music video "Wannabe," who wore a black strap on their left arms as a sign of grief because of Princess Diana's death prior to the event.



第1届 (1959年) Domenico Modugno 《Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu (Volare)》 第2届 (1960年) Jimmy Driftwood《The Battle Of New Orleans》 第3届 (1961年) Ernest Gold 《Theme From Exodus》

第4届 (1962年) Henry Mancini 《Moon River》

第5届 (1963年) Anthony Newley 《What Kind Of Fool Am I》 第6届 (1964年) Henry Mancini 《Days Of Wine And Roses》 第7届 (1965年) Louis Armstrong 《Hello, Dolly!》

第8届 (1966年) Tony Bennett 《The Shadow Of Your Smile》 第9届 (1967年) The Beatles 《Michelle》



































第43届(2001年)The 5th Dimension 《Up, Up And Away》 Roger Miller, O.C. Smith 《Little Green Apples》 Joe South 《Games People Play》 Simon And Garfunkel 《Bridge Over Troubled Water》 Carole King 《You've Got A Friend 》 Roberta Flack 《The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face》 Roberta Flack 《Killing Me Softly Wifh His Song》 Barbra Streisand 《The Way We Were》 Judy Collins 《Send In The Clowns》 Barry Manilow 《I Write The Songs》 Barbra Streisand 《Love Theme From A Star Is Born (Evergreen)》Billy Joel 《Just The Way You Are》 The Doobie Brothers 《What A Fool Believes》 Christopher Cros 《Sailing》 Kim Carnes 《Bette Davis Eyes》 Willie Nelson 《Always On My Mind》 Sting《Every Breath You Take》 Tina Turner《What's Love Got To Do With It》 USA For Africa (Various Artists) 《We Are The World 》 Dionne Arwick, Elton John, Gladys Knight, Stevie Wonder That's What Friends Are For》 Linda Ronstadt, James Ingram 《Somewhere Out There》 Bobby McFerrin《Don't Worry, Be Happy》 Bette Midler《Wind Beneath My Wings》 Bette Midler 《From A Distance》 Natalie Cole (& Nat King Cole) 《Unforgettable》 Eric Clapton《Tears In Heaven》 Peabo Bryson, Regina Belle《A Whole New World》 Bruce Springsteen 《Streets Of Philadelphia》 Seal《Kiss From A Rose》 Eric Clapton 《Change The World》 Shawn Colvin 《Sunny Came Home》 Celine Dion 《My heart will go on》 Santana & Rob Thomas 《Smooth》 U2《Beautiful Day》 《

第44届(2002年) Alicia Keys 《Fallin'》

第45届(2003年) Norah Jones 《Dont Know Why》

第46届(2004年) Luther Vandross 《Dance With My Father》 第47届(2005年) John Mayer《Daughters》

第48届(2006年) U2 《Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own》 第49届(2007年) Dixie Chicks《Not Ready To Make Nice》 第50届(2008年) Amy Winehouse 《Rehab》

第51届(2009年) Coldplay《Viva La Vida》

第52届(2010年) Beyoncé《Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)》 第53届(2011年)



第56届(2012年)Lady Antebellum《Need You Now》 Adele 《Rolling In The Deep》 Fun. 《We Are Young》 Lorde 《Royals》












