
时间:2017-04-02    来源:发型知识    点击:


西方文化中颜色的象征意义往往比较直接,一般是用客观事物的具体颜色来象征某些抽象的文化含义,所以更易追溯其语义理据和逻辑理据。例如:西方文化中的红色(red)主要指鲜血(blood)颜色,而blood在西方人心目中是奔腾在人体内的"生命之液"。一旦鲜血流淌下来,生命之花也就凋谢。所以red使西方人联想到"暴力"和"危险"产生了一种颜色禁忌。美国学者阿思海姆在他的《色彩论》中说:"色彩能有力的表达情感。……红色被认为是令人激动的,因为它能使我们想到火、血和革命的含义。"著名汉学家霍克斯在翻译"红楼梦"时,由于意识到red可能使现代英语读者联想到“暴力"、"流血",所以采用小说原来曾使用的书名《石头记》,译为The story of the stone。从文化人类学角度来讲,中国文化中的红色源于太阳,因为烈日如火,其色赤红。我们的初祖在祭祈巫舞的过程中,对阳光有一种本能的依恋和崇拜,红色的喜庆和吉祥之意自然而然地产生了。古人还认为"日至而万物生" (《淮南子·天文训》)感到阳光下万物繁茂,生机勃勃,令人振奋,因而对代表太阳的红色产生了特别亲切的感情。再以白色为例,在人类初始阶段,我们的祖先弱小而无力,无法抗拒凶恶猛兽的攻击、光天化日的白昼使他们暴露无遗,有一种随时都有被食肉猛兽扑食的危险,因而对白色有一种本能的恐惧感;另外,我们的初祖还观察到"月到中秋分外明",因而认为明月与萧煞的秋季连在一起,而代表秋天的颜色也就是白色了(银白色的中秋之月)。这样白色在中国文化里就成了一种颜色禁讳。可见颜色的象征意义在漫长的历史进程中的约定俗成的,体现出某种心理功能。下面我们就中西文化中颜色的不同象征意义进行具 体描述。


红色是我国文化中的基本崇尚色,它体现了中国人在精神和物质上的追求。它象征着吉祥、喜庆,如把促 成他人美好婚姻的人叫"红娘",喜庆日子要挂大红灯笼、贴红对联、红福字;男娶女嫁时贴大红"喜"字,把热闹、兴旺叫做"红火";形容繁华、热闹的地方叫"红尘";它又象征革命和进步,如中共最初的政权叫“红色政权”,最早的武装叫“红军”,把政治上要求进步、业务上刻苦钻研的人称为“又红又专”等;它也象征顺利、成功,如人的境遇很好被称为"走红"、"红极一时",得到上司宠信的叫"红人",分到合伙经营利润叫"分红",给人发奖金叫"送红包"等;它还象征美丽、漂亮,如指女子盛妆为"红妆"或"红装" ,把艳妆女子称为"红袖",指女子美艳的容颜为"红颜"等。

西方文化中的红色(red)则是一个贬意相当强的词,是"火"、"血"的联想,它象征着残暴、流血,如(1)The red rules oftooth and claw残杀 和暴力统治,(2)red revenge血腥复仇,(3)ared battle血战 ;它又象征激进、暴力革命,如(1)red hotpolitical campaign激烈的政治运动,(2)a red revolution 赤色革命,(3)red activities左派激进活动;它也象征危险、紧张,如(1)red alert空袭报警,(2)a red adventure story一个令人紧张的冒险故事,(3)a red flag危险信号旗;它还象征着放荡、淫秽,如( 1)a red waste of his youth他那因放荡而浪费的青春,(2)ared light district花街柳巷(红灯区),( 3)Is she really sored as she is painted?难到她真的象人们所描绘的那样放荡吗?

至于红色的褒义,如red—letter day喜庆的日子,the red carpet隆重的接待等,则得益于不同文化之间 的交流和融合。据考证,red的褒义是从远东经波斯传到西方的。


在中国文化中,白色与红色相反,是一个基本禁忌词,体现了中国人在物质 和精神上的摈弃和厌恶。在中 国古代的五方说中,西方为白虎,西方是刑天杀神,主萧杀之秋,古代常在秋季征伐不义、处死犯人。所以白色是枯竭而无血色、无生命的表现,象征死亡、凶兆。如自古以来亲人死后家属要披麻戴孝(穿白色孝服)办 "白事",要设白色灵堂,出殡时要打白幡;旧时还把白虎视为凶神,所以现在称带给男人厄运的女人为"白虎星"。白色的心理功能在其发 展过程中由于受到政治功能的影响,又象征腐朽、反动、落后,如视为"白专道路";它也象征失败、愚蠢、无利可得,如在战争中失败的一方总是打着“白旗” 表示投降,称智力低下的人为"白痴",把出力而得不到好处或没有效果叫做 "白忙"、"白费力"、"白干"等,它还象征奸邪、阴 险,如"唱白脸"、"白脸"奸雄;最后,它还象征知识浅薄、没有功名,如称平民百姓为"白丁"、 "白衣 "、"白身",把缺乏锻炼、阅历不深的文人称作"白面书生"等。

西方文化中的白色象征意义主要着眼于其本身色彩,如新下的雪、新鲜牛奶及百合花的颜色。西方人认为 白色高雅纯洁,所以它是西方文化中的崇尚色。它象征纯真无邪,如(1)a white soul纯洁的心灵,

(2)white wedding新娘 穿白礼服的婚礼;它又象征正直、诚实,如(1)a white spirit正直的精神, (2)white men高尚、有教养的人,(3)white hand廉洁、诚实;它也象征幸 运、吉利,如(1)one of the

white days o f sb's life 某人生活中的吉日之 一,(2)white magic有天使相助的法术;它还有合法、无恶意的意思,如( 1) white market合法市场,(2)white list经过批准的合法明单,(3)a white lie 无害的谎言。


古代黑色为天玄,原来在中国文化里只有沉重的神秘之感,是一种庄重而严肃的色调,它的象征意义由于 受西方文化的影响而显得较为复杂。一方面它象 征严肃、正义,如民间传说中的"黑脸"包公,传统京剧中的 张飞、李逵等人的黑色脸谱;另一方面它又由于其本身的黑暗无光给人以阴险、毒辣和恐怖的感 觉。它象征邪 恶、反动,如指阴险狠毒的人是"黑心肠",不可告人的丑恶内 情是"黑幕",反动集团的成员是"黑帮"、 "黑手",把统治者为进行政治 迫害而开列的持不同政见者的名单称为"黑名单",它又表示犯罪、违法,如 称 干盗匪行径叫"走黑道",称杀人劫货、干不法勾当的客店叫做"黑店",违禁 的货物交易叫"黑货"、" 黑市",用贪赃受贿等非法手段得来的钱叫"黑钱" 等。

黑色(black)是西方文化中的基本禁忌色,体现了西方人精神上的摈弃和厌恶。它象征死亡、凶兆、灾难 ,如(1)Black Mass安灵弥撒,(2)to wear black for her father为她父亲戴孝,(3)black words不吉利 的话,(4)a black letter day凶日;它象征邪恶、犯罪,如(1)Black Man邪恶的恶魔,(2)a black de ed极其恶劣的行为,(3)black guard恶棍、流氓,(4)blackmail敲诈、勒索;它也象征耻辱、不光彩,如 (1)a black mark污点,(2)black sheep败家子, (3)a black eye丢脸、坏名声,它还象征沮丧、愤怒, 如(1)black dog沮 丧情绪,(2)The future looks black前途暗淡,(3)He gave me a black look。 他怒气冲冲地看着我。


黄色在中国文化中是红色的一种发展变异,如旧时人们把宜于办大事的日子 称为“黄道吉日”,但是它更 代表权势、威严,这是因为在古代的五方、五行、五色中,中央为土黄色。黄色象征中央政权、国土之义,所以黄色便为历代封 建帝王所专有,普通人是不能随便使用"黄色"的,如"黄袍"是天子的"龙 袍","黄钺 "是天子的仪仗,"黄榜"是天子的诏书,"黄马褂"是清朝皇 帝钦赐文武重臣的官服。至于现在流行的与" 性"有关的"黄色"观念,有一种说法是中西文化交流融合的一种现象。

据说美国纽约的《世界报》用黄色油 墨 印刷低级趣味的漫画以争取销路,人们便称这一类不健康的刊物为“黄色刊物”,还有《纽约新闻》以夸大 、渲染的手法报道色情、仇杀、犯罪等新闻,人们也称这一类的新闻为"黄色新闻"。其实中国古代的黄色已 与"性"有关。东汉末年黄巾起义时有《黄书》,现书虽之佚,便确知该书重在"房中之术";另有唐代孙思 邈在其《千金要方》之"房内补益"中有"赤日黄月"之说。张清常 据此在他的《汉语的颜色词》一书中指出 :"则中国古代之'黄'与'性'有 关系。此说甚是,只不过中断千余年,人们早已忘记而已"。西方文化中 的黄 (yellow)使人联想到背叛耶稣的犹太(Judas)所穿衣服的颜色,所以黄色带 有不好的象征意义,它除了表示低级趣味的报刊、毫无文学价值的书籍(如 yellow press黄色报刊,yellow journalism黄色办报作风,yellow back廉价轰动一时的小说)外,主要表示卑鄙、胆怯,如(1)yellow dog卑鄙的人, (2)yellow streak胆怯,(3)yellow-livered胆小的。 在中国传统文化中,绿色有两重性,它除了表示义侠外,还表示野恶。这是 因为在人类初始时代以及其以后的漫长生活过程中,人类借助绿色保护自己,赖以生存下来;但同时,绿色也保护着人类的天敌及其它猛残 的食人动物。这样一来,义狭是正义的,如人们泛指聚集山林、劫富济贫的人为"绿林好汉"; 恶野是邪恶,所以旧时也指"绿林"为占山为王、拦路抢劫、骚扰百姓的盗匪; 绿色还象征低贱,如汉朝时的仆役着绿帻,元朝以后凡娼妓都得着绿头巾,以示地位低下,因妻子有外遇而使丈夫脸上无光,低人一等,叫给丈夫戴"绿帽子"。西方文化中的绿色(green)象征意义跟青绿的草木颜色有很大的联系,是植物的生命色。阿思海姆说 :"绿色唤起自然的爽快的想法。"它不仅象征着青春、活力,如(1)in the green wood在青春旺盛的时代,(2)in the green 血气方刚,(3)a green old age老当益壮;而且表示新鲜,如

(1)green recollection记忆犹新,(2)keep the memory green永远不忘,(3)a green wound新伤口; 但是它也表示幼稚、没有经 验,如(1)a green hand生手,(2)as green as grass幼稚,(3)a green horn容易上当的糊涂虫;它也象征妒忌,如(1) the green-eyed monster妒忌,(2)green with envy充满妒嫉,

(3)a green eye 妒嫉的眼睛。

在中国民间传说中,天帝居于天上的"紫微宫"(星座),故而以天帝为父 的人间帝王(天子)和以天帝 为信凶的道教都以紫为瑞。紫色作为祥瑞、高贵 的象征,更多地被封建帝王和道教所采用,如称吉瑞之气为" 紫气"、"紫电", 皇宫叫做"紫禁宫"、"紫禁城"。历代皇帝为了笼络人,往往将"紫袍"赐予 品位低的 臣下,而"著紫"则成为封建文人奋力追求的荣禄;人们还把道书称为"紫书",把神仙居所称为“紫台”。 无独有偶,英语中的紫色(purple)象征意义也跟帝王将相和宗教有关,这是一个有趣的文化巧合,如(1)t he purple 帝位、王权,(2)be born in the purple生在王侯贵族之家,(3)marry in the purple嫁到显贵人家,(4)be raised to the purple升为红衣主教。

蓝色(blue)在中国文化中几乎没有什么象征意义,相对而言,它在西方文 化中的象征意义稍多一些。阿 斯海姆在评析蓝色时说:"蓝色象水那样清凉。" 是“阴性或消极的颜色”。它能象征高贵、高远、深沉、严 厉,如(1)blue blood 名门望族,(2)blue ribbon最高荣誉的标志,(3)blue nose严守教规的卫道 士;( 4)blue laws严格的法规;它又象征忧郁、沮丧,如(1)feel blue不 高兴,(2)a blue outlook悲观的人生 观。(3)Things look blue。事不称心, (4)blue Monday不开心的星期一, 它也象征猥亵、下流,如(1) blue movie 色情电影,(2)blue revolution“性解放”,(3)blue talk下流言论;它还有 突然迅速的意思,如(1)out of the blue突爆冷门,(2)have the blue晴 天劈雳,(3)blue streak一闪即逝的东西。 粉红色(pink)是红色的一种变异,可以将其视为红色的一种应合或复归。 在中国文化中,粉红色又叫桃 花色。唐代诗人崔护写下"人面桃花相映红"的诗句,以桃花与女人相比,究其根由,是女子为修饰自己而施 用粉红色胭脂,脸色白中透红,可与美丽的桃花相比之故。粉红色(桃色)可以象征女性,如白居易《长恨歌 》中有:“回眸一笑百媚生,六宫粉黛无颜色”,青年男子把心爱的女子称为“红颜知已”。称男女之间不正当的性关系为"桃色事件"。在西方文化中,粉红色象征精华,极致,如(1)the pink of perfection十全十美的东西或人,(2)the pink of politeness十分彬彬有礼;它又象征上流社会, 如(1)pink lady高格调鸡尾酒,(2)pink tea上流社交活动,(3)a pink-collar worker高层次女秘书。

颜色词的象征意义在不同的民族文化里有着很大的差异。从根本上讲,在中国文化中,颜色的象征是基于 过去中国的封建统治、封建迷信及其原始、落后的科学、教育状况而形成的,所以颜色的象征意义有相当强烈 的政治化和神秘化倾向。而西方文化中的颜色象征则更多地得益于西方民族开放性及科学、教育的普及程度,其象征意义少了神秘,多了些理性,使其语义、词义理据更易追踪。不同文化之间颜色象征意义又都是在社会 的发展、历史的沉淀中约定俗成的,是一种永久性的文化现象。

A contrastive study of color words in Chinese and English

2 Basic color words in the Chinese and English culture

Color words in each nation’s language differ from one anther in the world. On the basic color words, there is not so much difference in English and in Chinese. In Chinese, there are 赤、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫,while in English there are red, white, black, green, yellow, blue and purple. Owing to the different historic cultural background of the two cultures, the same color words have different symbolic meanings.


Red in the Chinese culture is a basic esteem color. In the Chinese's mind, it signifies excitement and succeeding, lucky, loyal and flourishing. In Chinese traditional wedding, people put up the character 喜, the bride is dressed in red, the bridegroom wears a red flower on his breast. On happy days, people decorate their houses with red lanterns and doublets. 红火 means prosperous, 红尘 means the world of mortal, 红包 is a red envelop containing money as a gift, tip or bonus. We say someone 走红 when he has his good lot, and 红人 means the one who is trusted unduly by his superiors. In Chinese, red has the most pronounced political color, and is frequently used to stand for revolution and progress. The first regime of the Communist Party is 红色政权, and the first armed forces is 红军.And 红卫兵 the red guard, 红色根据地 the red base area. Besides, 红烛 the red candle stands for dedication. Red also means beautiful and pretty. A lady’s splendid dress is called 红妆 , a beautiful young woman is 红袖 or 红颜.

Red in the western culture mainly refers to color of blood, and in minds of the westerner, blood is the “liquid of the life”. So the westerners always associate red with the violence and dangerous, for example red hands, red revenge, and a red battle. It also stands for radical and violent, such as red revolution, red activities, red-headed; like a red rag to a bull means likely to cause strong violence. It also stands for dangerous and tense, such as red alert, a red flag. Red in the west also has commendatory meaning, which is joyous, such as paint the town red means "go out and enjoy a lively, boisterous time in bars or night-clubs", a red-letter day means “a day that is important or remarkable because something happen on it”, and the red carpet is specially good or respectful treatment that is given to an important guest. In accordance with some textual research, the commendatory meanings are from the Far East.

2.2 White

White, opposite to red, is a basic taboo color in Chinese traditional culture. It is the expression of exhausted and non-blooded, non-life, and stands for death and ill omen. For example, when one died his family members must dress in white, and hold a funeral and this is called 白事. In Chinese feudal society, the common people were forbidden to dress in any other colors except white, so they were called 白衣 or 布衣. The persons with no position are 白丁 or 白身⑴(p22), their houses are 白屋.

White in the western culture is usually an esteem color. White is considered pure. White is the traditional color for the brides at weddings, and to wear white at funerals would be offensive. As white is the color of the snow, so there is a white Christmas and a white winter. Lily white means as white and pure as lily. White stands for honest and upright, such as a white spirit, white man, and white hand. White also stands for lucky, such as one of the white days in somebody’s life, white magic, and white hope is a person who is expected to bring success to a team. White stands for legal and non-malice, such as white market, white list.

Besides, white also has derogatory meanings; show the white feather means act in a cowardly way, the same as white lipped, a face white with fear, as white as a sheet. White flag symbolizes giving up on something.


In Chinese traditional culture, black and white both belong to the Five Colors. In Chinese funeral, people usually wear a black armband to show their mourns to the death relative. On one hand, black stands for solemn and just, such as Baozheng ; On the other hand, it stands for evil and reactionary, like 黑心肠 , 黑幕,黑帮,黑手. Black also stands for illegal and commit such as走黑道,黑店 is the hotel the does illegal deals,背黑锅 means be treated unjustly. Besides, black means misfortune, such as 黑材料,黑五类,黑夫妻,黑后台 and so on.

In the west, black is a taboo color, which stands for darkness. It means death and sinister, such as Black Mass, to wear black for her mother, black words, a black letter day, Black Friday. Black symbolizes wicked and guilty, for example, black man, a black deed, black guard, Black-hand, black-hearted. And it means disgrace, such as a black mark; a black eye ,A black sheep. And black means dejected and resent: black dog, black future, a black look, and black thoughts.

black means dead and evil, it also stands for solemn and dignified. Black suit is the westerner’s favorite traditional dress. In solemn occasions, the officials and celebrities would prefer to dress in black.


In Chinese traditional culture, yellow is located in the center of the Five Colors. So far, yellow is still the symbol of old China.黄袍 is the emperor’s dress,黄屋 is his carriage,黄钺is his guard

of honor, 黄榜 is the proclamation published by him. And 黄道吉日 means an auspicious day. However, yellow in modern China has negative meanings, such as 黄色书刊,黄色录象.Here yellow has an extended meaning of obscene and pornographic, while in English are “the blue video”, “the blue talk”.

Yellow in the west mostly has derogatory meanings. Here are some examples: yellow alert: alert in advance

a yellow dog: a contemptible person yellow looks: suspicious looks

yellow streak: tending to be coward and chicken-hearted

In English, yellow has some particular meanings in certain texts that have no relationship with sentiment. For example, the yellow pages is the telephone dictionary, yellow boy is the golden coins.


In the Chinese traditional culture, Green ranks the first in the Five Colors, signifying everything grows. In the feudal society, the dress of the government official on a lower level was regularized to be green, so it also symbolizes humble. 青衫绿袍 is a symbol of low position in the official caree.

In English there is a term green-eyed or green with envy, both of them mean jealous and envious. However in Chinese眼红describes the same meaning. In Chinese 带绿帽子means to be a cuckold. If we translate it word by word, misunderstanding will arise.

No matter in English or Chinese, this symbolic meaning of green is all identical. Green in the western culture is mainly related to the color of the plants, it is the symbol of vigor and energy, for example, a green old age is associated with an old but vigorous man or woman. And to remain green forever means to keep fresh and vigorous forever, and also in the green; green also means fresh, such as keep a memory green, a green wound, green meat; and it means immature, inexperienced and easily fooled, such as a green hand, a green horn refers to a raw, simple and inexperienced person, easily fooled or parted from his money. In some certain phrases, green has different meanings. For example, green-light means give permission to go ahead with.


In China, purple is more often adopted by the feudal emperors and the Taoism. They called the auspicious air 紫气, the Taoist books are 紫书, the place which the deity living in is 紫台, the emperors’ palace is 紫禁城(the Forbidden City).

In English, purple shares the same connotation as in Chinese language. In the eye of Westerners, purple is the symbol of emperor and power. “to be born in the purple” means “to be born in a royal family”; “to be raised to the purple” means “to be promoted to the position as a pope”; “purple passages” means “too florid words”, etc. In Chinese, 红得发紫means popular. Here is more:

marry into the purple: marry into a family of high social position

purple patches: pompous passages


turn purple with rage: fly into a fury

Purple Heart: an insignia awarded to those wounded in the battle

2.7 Blue

It seems that blue is a favorable word to Chinese. The blue sky can arouse us to yearn for a better future.

In Western culture, however, blue does not associate with happiness and imagination, but gloom and depression. He is in a blue mood means he is sad or gloomy.








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