
时间:2018-07-13    来源:经典语录    点击:

心灵鸡汤英文 第一篇_心灵鸡汤英文版(最为完整)

心灵鸡汤英文 第二篇_心灵鸡汤(中英双语)

Word is love make visible .--------爱使得工作引人注目

A kind and compassionate act is often its own reward .

—— 一次仁慈而富有同情心的行为往往是对自身的报偿。

No one can deal with the hearts of men unless he has the sympathy which is given by love

—— 人心难处,除非他具有因爱而生的同情心。

That which cometh from the heart goes to the heart .

—— 发自内心,才会打动人心。

If I can ease one life the aching ,or cool one pain ,or help one fainting robin unto his nest again ,I shall not live in vain .

—— 如果我能缓解一个生命的疼痛,或是减轻一种痛苦,或是帮助一只晕


It takes great courage to faithfully follow what we know to be true . —— 如实地顺从我们知道是对的事,这需要很大的勇气。

When we quit thinking primarily about ourselves and our own self-preservation ,we undergo a truly heroic transformation of consciousness .

—— 当我们不再只想到我们自己、我们的自卫本能,我们就经历了觉悟上


Let the beauty of what you love be what you do .

—— 让你所爱的美成为你要做的事。

Love conquers all things ; let us too surrender to love .

—— 爱征服一切,让我们也屈服于爱。

You make a living by what you get , but you make a life by what you give .

—— 你靠得到的来谋生,但是你的付出造就了你的一生。

You can handle people more successfully by enlisting their feelings than by convincing their reason .

—— 通过赢得人们的感情而不是以道理说服他们,你可以与他们相处得更


We are confronted with insurmountable opportunities .

—— 我们面临着无数的机会。

Our lives will always be full if our hearts are always giving .

—— 如果我们的心总在付出,我们的生活将会永远充实。

I can have peace of mind only when I forgive rather than judge .

—— 当施以宽容而不是指责时,我才能得到心灵的平静。

Friendships multiply joys and divide grief .

—— 友谊为快乐做乘法,为悲伤做除法。

We know what we are , but know not what we may be .

—— 我们知道我们是什么样的,但我们不知道我们还可能会是什么样的。 The true perfection of man lies not in what man has , but in what man is .

—— 人的尽善尽美不在于他拥有什么,而在于他是怎样的人。

The real act of discovery is not in finding new lands ,but in seeing with new eyes .

—— 真正的发现不是在于找到新的土地,而是在于用新的眼光去看。 Life is an opportunity to contribute love in your own way .

—— 生命是一种机遇,以你自己的方式贡献爱。

We are here to help one another along life’s journey .

—— 我们来到这儿是帮助其他人走好人生旅途的。【心灵鸡汤英文】

Compassion is the chief law of human existence .

—— 同情是人生存的主要法则。

Celebrate what you want to see more of .

—— 赞美那些你希望经常看到的东西。

The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches , but to reveal to him his own .

—— 你为别人做的最大的善事不是分享你的财富,而是向他展现他自己的财


Trust men and they will be true to you ; treat them greatly and they will show themselves great .

—— 信任人们,他们就会真心对你;善待他们,他们就会表现出色。 Kind words can be short and easy to speak ,but their echoes are truly Endless .

—— 虽然善意的话语可以很短,很容易表达,但是它们产生的回声是真的无


There’ll be pennies from heaven for you and me .

—— 你我都会有上天给的钱。

Take time to marvel at the wonders of life .

—— 好好地感叹生活中的奇迹。

Life is to be fortified by many friendships . To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness .

—— 生活因有了友谊而坚强,爱与被爱是最大的幸福。


The size of your body is of little account ; the size of your brain is of much account ; the size of your heart is of the most account of all .

—— 你身体的大小不重要,重要的是你头脑的大小,最重要的是你心胸的大


Great opportunities to help others seldom come , but small ones surround us daily .

—— 帮助他人的大机会很少,但是我们身边每天都有小机会。

Do what you love and love what you’re doing ,and you’ll never work an-other day in your life .

—— 做你爱做之事,爱你所做之事,那么你生命中就不用多工作一天。 The only real way to differentiate yourself from the competition is through service .

—— 让你从竞争中脱颖而出的唯一出路是通过服务。

What do we live for if not to make the world less difficult for each other ?

—— 如果不去为彼此把世界变得少些艰难,我们活着还为什么? Do it big ,do it right and do it with style .

—— 勇敢地去做,把它做好,而且做得要有风度。

Kindness is the insignia of a loving heart .

—— 善意是一颗有爱心人的勋章。

We are prone to judge success by the index of our salaries or the size of our automobiles rather than by the quality of our service and

relationship to mankind .

—— 我们倾向于用工资的标准或是汽车的大小,而非用我们服务的质量及与


A person who seeds of kind-ness enjoys a perpetual harvest .

—— 一个播种仁慈种子的人享受永久收获的乐趣。

All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence .

—— 所有为促进博爱付出的努力都尊贵、重要,并且这样的努力应该负有悉


Example is not the main thing in influencing others ,It is the only thing . —— 榜样不是影响他人的主要的东西,它是唯一的东西。

Only those who risk going too for can possibly find out how far one can go .

—— 只有那些敢于冒险远行的人才有可能知道他能走多远。

The ability to accept responsibility is the measure of the man .

—— 有没有能力接受责任是衡量一个人的标准。

Here is a simple but powerful rule ; Always give people more than they expect to get .

—— 这是个虽然简单但是强有力的法则;总是给于人们出乎意料的多。 Your work is to discover your work ,and then with all your heart to give yourself to it .

—— 你的工作是去发现你的工作,然后全心全意地投入进去。

I don’t know what your destiny will be , but one thing I know : The only ones among you who will be truly happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve .

—— 我不知道你的命运,但是我知道一件事:你们当中唯一将真正幸福的人


I am only one ; but still I am one . I cannot do everything , but still I can do something . I will not refuse to do the something I can do .

—— 虽然我只身一人,但我有我的一份力量。我做不了所有的事,但我还是


You are what your deep driving desire is ; as your desire is , so is your will ; as your will is , so is your deed ; as your deed is , so is your destiny . —— 你最强烈的欲望是什么,你就是怎么样的一个人;你的欲望如此,你的



There is a vitality , a life force , an energy , a quickening , that is translated

through you into action , and because there is only one of you in all time , this expression is unique .

—— 有一种活力,一种生命力,一种精神,一种复生,传遍你的全身而转


Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing .

—— 永远记住:你想取得成功的决心比其他任何事都重要。

You never find yourself until you face the truth .

—— 直到你面对现实,才会找到你自己。

No act of kindness , no matter how small ,is ever wasted .

—— 无论善行多么微不足道,都不会被视而不见。

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight .

—— 微笑是一道弧线,能把一切拉直。

Excellent firms don’t believe in excellence——only in constant improvement and constant change .

—— 卓越的公司不相信卓越——只相信不断的改进和不断的变化。 You cannot step into the same river twice .

—— 你不可能两次踩在同一条河流中。

A capacity for childlike wonder carried into adult life typifies the creative person .

—— 成年之后仍有孩子般的好奇心,代表他是个具有创造性的人。

When we love and laugh with our patient , we elevate the highest degree of healing , which is inner peace .

—— 当我们与我们的病人一同爱、一同欢笑时,我们提升了最高限度的治


If you’re not using your smile , you’re like a man with a million dollars in the bank and no checkbook .

—— 如果不使用你的微笑,就像银行里有100万美元的人而没有支票簿。 The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common . —— 智慧永恒的标志是发现平常人身上的奇迹。

The present time has one advantage over every other——it is our own . —— 当前的时间比其他任何时候多一个优点——这时候是我们自己的。 We are ourselves , creations , and we , in turn , are meant to continue creativity by being creative .

—— 我们是自己的创作物,而我们反过来应该凭借创造力继续这创造性。 Nothing ever succeeds which exuberant spirits have not helped to produce . —— 没有非凡的精神相助,一切都不会成功。

Never , never , never , never give up .

—— 决不,决不,决不,决不放弃。

Press on ! A better fate awaits you .

—— 下决心继续!更好的运气在等着你。

Effort only releases its reward after a person refuses to quit .

—— 只有当一个人拒绝放弃,付出的努力才会得到回报。

Comedy is acting out optimism .

—— 喜剧演出了乐观。

Don’t be afraid to go out on a limb ,that’s where the fruit is .

—— 不要害怕到树枝上去,那儿是生长果实的地方。

To dare is o lose one’s footing momentarily , to not dare is to lose oneself .

—— 铤而走险会暂时失去立足处,不铤而走险会失去自己。

Your future depends on many things ,but mostly on you .

—— 你的未来取决于很多东西,但主要取决于你自己。

The time is always right to do what is right .

—— 做正确的事,时间总是合适的。

Live to learn and you will learn to live .

—— 活着是为了学习,然后你将学会去生活。

Growth means change and change involves risked , stepping from the known to the unknown .

—— 成长意味着变化,变化包含着冒险、已知迈向未知。

Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow for tomorrow will be anxious for itself . Let the day’s own trouble be sufficient for the day .

—— 所以不要为明天担忧,因为明天自有明天要担忧的事,当天的烦恼事


It is not who is right ,but what is right ,that is of importance .

—— 不是谁是对的,而是什么是对的,这才是至关重要的。

We have 40 million reasons for failure , but not a single excuse .

—— 我们有千百万个失败的理由,但没有一个是借口。

心灵鸡汤英文 第三篇_心灵鸡汤,感悟人生(英文版)


1.The coordinates(坐标)of life

Rebuff断然拒绝 unversed 不精通的,不熟练的

2. The patch(补丁) of life

Hemp 大麻 compliment 恭维,称赞,敬意 In accordance with 与、、、一致 cabin 小屋 Scratch 划破 craftsmanship 技艺,技能术 Intensify 使强烈,加强 mend 修补

Crack 裂缝,缝隙 suture 缝合

3. The rainy season of your life

Life is like this: when you are in rainy days in your life,if you could’t find a way to prevent you from being drenched(淋雨) earlier,you would have been overwhelmed(淋透) by it,but if you decided to get rid of it,you’ll discover that the rainy days last not so long as you imagined.

Emaciated 憔悴的,消瘦的,虚弱的 tuition 学费 Admiration 赞美,钦佩,赞赏 gloomy 黑暗的 Destine 注定 enlighten 启发,开导 Crutch 拐杖 overwhelm 压倒,击败

4. The lubricating(润滑油) oil of life

On the road of life ,there are many people,who we may meet only once in our lifetime,and never will again ever since.so often rigid(坚硬的,僵直的) life with the loving oil and life will

be brighter.

Joint 接头,关节 creaky吱吱嘎嘎的,辗轧的 Smear 涂,敷,抹 hinge 铰链,合叶,枢纽 Eccentric 怪人 discord 分歧,争论,不和

5. The resilience(弹性) of life

Life is a mixture of good times and bad times,happy moments and unhappy moments.the next time you are experiencing one of those bad times or unhappy moments that take you close to your breaking point, bend but don’t break.try your best not to let the situation get the best of you.

Snap 突然断裂 rustling 瑟瑟声,飒飒声 Drained 耗尽 get the best of 击败

6. The height of life

You are at the height when you really realize failure is only temporary and it never affects your life as a whole,and yesterday ends last night and tomorrow is another day.

You are at the height when you cherish your past,value your present and look into your future.

You are at the height when you get to know success does’t bring yourself,nor does defeat break up you.

You are at the height when you are mature enough to keep from indulging(沉湎) in temporary satisfaction ,and to devote

yourself to your duty instead of your rights.

You are at the height when you are fully aware that you will be reduced to a victim of evil if you don’t stand up in defense of justice(正义).

You are at the height when you believe in yourself,calmly deal with your life and keep on friendly terms with your peers.

You are at the height when you look back leniently(温和的,仁慈的),look forward hopefully,look down compassionately(富于同情心的,慈悲的) and loo可 up gratefully.

7.Life is a process of making honey

Yes ,actually,the process of making honey is like that of going from youth old age .a little tear in life can make the reminiscences(追忆,往事) sweeter and more beautiful. Precious 宝贵的,贵重的 ,珍爱的

8. Life is a handful of candy

Trifle 小事,琐事,微不足道的东西 nourish 滋养 Vicissitude 变迁,兴衰 waft 飘送,使、、、飘荡 Wisp 一股,一缕

9. The tent of life

It is our habitual thought that we would feel safe with a tent.the tent of life may be wealth,profession,steady

income,sociality or human relations,which are regarded as a shelter in the daily life.it is seemingly important ,but only when we lose it,can we find the more beautiful things are kept off.for instance,losing the tent,we have stars twinkling all over the sky. Sleep in both ears 熟睡,酣睡 presume 假定,假设,认为 Astronomically 天文学上 galaxy 星系

Meteorologically气象学上 loom 逼近

10. Life is not about keeping score

Only you choose the way those hearts are affected ,and those choices are what life’s all about.(只有你选择触动他人心灵,那些选择才是人生的全部)

Standardized 标准 purposefully 有目的的,自觉的 Break faith 背弃信仰,失信 sanctity 圣洁

Ignorance 无知,愚昧 contribute 有助于,促成 Revenge 报复,报仇

11.look at the life from a different angle

What do you see?each one has some shortcomings,but which do you see?do you only see the others’ black spots and ignore their large whiteboard (merits)?in fact ,every person must have a lot fo advantages.so look at them from a different point of view!you will have more new discoveries.

Dot点缀 merits优点

12.the art of how to hold life

Hold fast to life,but not so fast that you can not let go.this is the second side of life’s coin.the opposite pole of its paradox:we must accept our losses,and learn how to let go.【心灵鸡汤英文】

Relish 喜欢 grandeur伟大

Reverent 尊敬的,谦恭的,虔诚的; sustained 承受

Ward病房 paradox 自相矛盾的话,充满矛盾的人,事。

13.follow the rainbow of life

Their comes a time when you must stand alone.you must feel confident enough within yourself to follow your own dreams.you must be willing to make sacrifice(牺牲).

You must be capable of changing and deciding your priorities,so that your final goal can be achieved.

Sometimes ,familiarity(熟悉)and comfort need to be challenged.there are times when you must take a few extra chance and create you own realities.

Be strong enough to at least try to make your life better.

Be confident enough that you won’t settle for a compromise(妥协) just to get by.

Appreciate yourself by allowing yourself the opportunities to grow.develop and find your true sense of purpose in this life.

心灵鸡汤英文 第四篇_英语心灵鸡汤

Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away they were

meant to be there, to serve some sort of purpose,teach you a lesson,or to help you figure out who you are or who you want to become.You never know who these people maybe (possibly your roommate, neighbor, coworker, long lost friend, lover, or even a complete stranger),but when you lock eyes with them,you know at that very moment they will affect your life in some profound way.

有时候,一些人进入你的生命,你马上知道他们是注定要出现的,他们的到来是为了达成某种目的,给你提供教益,帮助你认清自己以及自己想要成为怎样的人,你不会知道这些人是谁(很可能会是你的室友、邻居、同事、失散多年的朋友、爱人,甚至是素未谋面的陌生人),可是当你的目光锁定他们的那一刻,你就知道他们会给你的生命带来深远的影响。 And sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful. and unfair at first, but in reflection you find that without overcoming those

obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, willpower, or heart.


Everything happens for a reason.

Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck.

Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness, and sheerstupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, whatever they

may be,life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere. It would be safe and comfortable, but dull and utterly pointless.


The people you meet who affect your life,and the success and downfalls you experience, help to create who you are and who you become.




你所遇到的影响你生命的人,你所经历的成功与失败,都有助于塑造和成就你的人生。 Even the bad experiences can be learned from.

In fact,they are probably the most poignant and important ones.

If someone hurts you, betrays you,or breaks your heart,forgive them,for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious when you open your heart.

If someone loves you,love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you,but because in a way, they are teaching you to love and how to open your heart and eyes to things.





Make every day count.

Appreciate every moment and take from those moments everything that you possibly can for you may never be able to experience it again.

Talk to people that you have never talked to before, and actually listen. Let yourself fall in love, break free, and set your sights high.

Hold your head up because you have every right to.

Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if you don't believe in yourself, it will be hard for others to believe in you.

You can make of your life anything you wish.

Create your own life and then go out and live it with absolutely no regrets. 让每一天都过的有价值。

珍惜生命中的每一刻,并尽你所能地从中取得收获,因为你不会有从头再来的可能。 跟那些你从来没有说过话的人交谈,并注意聆听。



告诉自己,你是一个伟大的人,并相信自己,因为如果你不相信自己,别人就很难相信你。 你可以做任何想做的事来塑造你的人生。


Most impotantly,if you LOVE someone, tell him or her,for you never know what tomorrow may have in store.

And learn a lesson in life each day that you live.



That's The Story Of Life.

这就是生命的故事。生命的story故事- of life

爱的力量 the power of love-心灵鸡汤

Jackie Lantry is a part-time hospital clerk in Rehoboth, Mass. She and her husband have adopted two girls and two boys from China. When Jackie asked her children what they believed in, they said "family."

Jackie Lantry是美国麻省利河伯镇的一位医院兼职会计。她和她的丈夫已经收养了两名中国男孩和两名中国女孩。当Jackie问及孩子们的信念时,孩子们异口同声地回答:“家庭”。

“It was not therapy, counselors or medications. It did not cost money, require connections or GREat privilege. It was love: just simple, plain, easy to give.” “治愈和转变孩子,靠的不是医疗,也不是心理咨询,更不是药物。它并不需要花费金钱,也不需要什么社会关系或者特权。只需要爱,


I believe in the inGREdients[成分] of love, the elements from which it is made. I believe in love''s humble, practical components and their combined power. We adopted[收养] Luke four years ago. the people from the orphanage[孤儿院] dropped him off at our hotel room without even saying goodbye. He was nearly six years old, only 28 pounds and his face was crisscrossed[交叉着] with scars. Clearly, he was terrified[害怕的]. "What are his favorite things?" I yelled. "Noodles," they replied as the elevator door shut.

Luke kicked and screamed. I stood between him and the door to keep him from bolting[门栓]. His cries were anguished[痛苦的], animal-like. He had never seen a mirror and tried to escape by running through one. I wound my arms around him so he could not hit or kick. After an hour and a half he finally fell asleep, exhausted[精疲力竭的]. I called room service. They delivered every noodle dish on the menu. Luke woke up, looked at me and started sobbing again. I handed him chopsticks[筷子] and pointed at the food. He stopped crying and started to eat. He ate until I was sure he would be sick.

That night we went for a walk. Delighted at the moon, he pantomimed[打手势], "What is it?" I said, "The moon, it''s the moon." He reached up and tried to touch

心灵鸡汤英文 第五篇_心灵鸡汤英文版(最为完整) 2


心灵鸡汤英文 第六篇_英语心灵鸡汤

心灵鸡汤英文 第七篇_心灵鸡汤英文

There Are No Vans

I remember one Thanksgiving when our family had no money and no food, and someone came knocking on our door. A man was standing there with a huge box of food, a giant turkey and even some pans to cook it in. I couldn't believe it. My dad demanded, "Who are you? Where are you from?"

The stranger announced, "I'm here because a friend of yours knows you're in need and that you wouldn't accept direct help, so I've brought this for you. Have a great Thanksgiving."

My father said, "No, no, we can't accept this." The stranger replied "You don't have a choice," closed the door and left.

Obviously that experience had a profound impact on my life. I promised myself that someday I would do well enough financially so that I could do the same thing for other people. By the time I was eighteen I had created my Thanksgiving ritual. I like to do things spontaneously, so I would go out shopping and buy enough food for one or two families. Then I would dress like a delivery boy, go to the poorest neighborhood and just knock on a door. I always included a note that explained my Thanksgiving experience as a kid. The note concluded, "All that I ask in return is that you take good enough care of yourself so that someday you can do the same thing for someone else." I have received more from this annual ritual than I have from any amount of money I've ever earned.

Several years ago I was in New York City with my new wife during Thanksgiving. She was sad because we were not with our family. Normally she would be home decorating the house for Christmas, but we were stuck here in a hotel room.

I said, "Honey, look, why don't we decorate some lives today instead of some old trees?" When I told her what I always do on Thanksgiving, she got excited. I said, "Let's go someplace where we can really appreciate who we are, what we are capable of and what we can really give. Let's go to Harlem!" She and several of my business partners who were with us weren't really enthusiastic about the idea. I urged them: "C'mon, let's go to Harlem and feed some people in need. We won't be the people who are giving it because that would be insulting. We'll just be the delivery people. We'll go buy enough food for six or seven families for thirty days. We've got enough. Let's just go do it! That's what Thanksgiving really is: Giving good thanks, not eating turkey. C'mon. Let's go do it!"

Because I had to do a radio interview first, I asked my partners to get us started by getting a van. When I returned from the interview, they said, "We just can't do it. There are no vans in all of New York. The rent-a-car places are all out of vans. They're just not available."

I said, "Look, the bottom line is that if we want something, we can make it happen! All we have to do is take action. There are plenty of vans here in New York City. We just don't have one. Let's go get one."

They insisted, "We've called everywhere. There aren't any."

I said, "Look down at the street. Look down there. Do you see all those vans?" They said, "Yeah, we see them."

"Let's go get one," I said. First I tried walking out in front of vans as they were driving down the street. I learned something about New York drivers that day: They don't stop; they speed up.

Then we tried waiting by the light. We'd go over and knock on the window and the driver would roll it down, looking at us kind of leery, and I'd say, "Hi. Since today is Thanksgiving, we'd like to know if you would be willing to drive us to Harlem so we can feed some people." Every time the driver would look away quickly, furiously roll up the window and pull away without saying anything.

Eventually we got better at asking. We'd knock on the window, they'd roll it down and we'd say, "Today is Thanksgiving. We'd like to help some underprivileged people, and we're curious if you'd be willing to drive us to an underprivileged area that we have in mind here in New York City." That seemed slightly more effective but still didn't work. Then we started offering people $100 to drive us. That got us even closer, but when we tol them to take us to Harlem, they said no and drove off.

We had talked to about two dozen people who all said no. My partners were ready to give up on the project, but I said, "It's the law of averages: Somebody is going to say yes." Sure enough, the perfect van drove up. It was perfect because it was extra big and would accommodate all of us. We went up, knocked on the window and we asked the driver, "Could you take us to a disadvantaged area? We'll pay you a hundred dollars."

The driver said, "You don't have to pay me. I'd be happy to take you. In fact, I'll take you to some of the most difficult spots in the whole city." Then he reached over on the seat and grabbed his hat. As he put it on, I noticed that it said, "Salvation Army." The man's name was Captain John Rondon and he was the head of the Salvation Army in the South Bronx.

We climbed into the van in absolute ecstasy. He said, "I'll take you places you never even thought of going. But tell me something. Why do you people want to do this?" I told him my story and that I wanted to show gratitude for all that I had by giving something back.

Captain Rondon took us into parts of the South Bronx that make Harlem look like Beverly Hills. When we arrived, we went into a store where we bought a lot of food and some baskets. We packed enough for seven families for thirty days. Then we went out to start feeding people. We went to buildings where there were half a dozen people living in one room: "squatters" with no electricity and no heat in the dead of winter surrounded by rats, cockroaches and the smell of urine. It was both an astonishing realization that people lived this way and a truly fulfilling experience to make even a small difference.

You see, you can make anything happen if you commit to it and take action. Miracles like this happen every day-even in a city where "there are no vans."

Anthony Robbins

There Are No Vans. Reprinted by permission of Anthony Robbins

The Baggy Yellow Shirt

by Patricia Lorenz

The baggy yellow shirt had long sleeves, four extra large pockets trimmed in black thread and snaps up the front. Not terribly attractive, but utilitarian without a doubt. I found it in December 1963 during my freshman year in college when I was home on Christmas break.

Part of the fun of vacation at home was the chance to go through Mom's hoard of rummage, destined for the less fortunate. She regularly scoured the house for clothes, bedding and house wares to give away, and the collection was always stored in paper bags on the floor of the front hall closet.



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