
时间:2014-09-12    来源:美食知识    点击:



好雨知时节, 当春乃发生,随风潜入夜, 润物细无声。野径云俱黑, 江船火独明,晓看红湿处,花重锦官城。








锦城丝管日纷纷, 半入江风半入云。 此曲只应天上有, 人间能得几回闻?











Hi, welcome to travelogue. I am Yanling, still in Chengdu. This capital of the ancient Shu Kingdom, is one of the fastest growing city in China today. It promises travelers "once you have been, you will be reluctant to leave", of course under the condition that you take your time to truly savor all it has to offer, shall we start with a cup of tea? Most Chinese metropolis today baffles with the balance of galloping towards modernization and preserving traditional way of living.

Few cities in China today like Chengdu that is so fond of memories from the past, and manage to actually living in it.

Even growing in rocket speed, Chengdu, the city of more than 8 million, somehow feels like a rare city oasis where the bustle slows down and the original spirit stays intact. And what is it? Where to feel it?

Once you are in Chengdu, you have to learn one word, and truly understand the spirit of it – xiuxian -- allow yourself to relax as long as you need, so idling around in one of teahouses for 5 hours doesn't make you a slacker in Chengdu.

Chengdu teahouses are everywhere. Scattered at every corner of the streets, in every park and even in every office compound...

Pensioners or pillars of the society? People of all kinds patronize (资助)teahouses more often than their grocery shop.

So what do you see in a teahouse in an afternoon? Small society, as Chengdu people call it. It is the perfect spot to relax, to socialize; to people-watch.

Once you are in teahouses, enjoy the timeless quality of your teatime. Even the waiters and waitress on duty often take it slow since there is no such demand as for fast and efficient service.

But for someone who works as ear-picker(经典的词语啊,挖耳屎的人,相信你在茶馆见过这种人吧,学会该怎么说,earpicker,那挖耳屎勺子叫做:earpick), an age-old rare profession that is probably hard to find a job elsewhere, they take their job very seriously.【关于描写成都的句子】

Although their tools remind me of my dentist's scary weapons, how can I pass on the chance to try something for the first time?!

It was certainly both eyes opening and ear opening experience (大开眼界)to have my ear picked outside of my bathroom, by someone else, in such a complicated procedure...【关于描写成都的句子】

Not every teahouse has to be this adventurous of course. Some people would like to compare Chengdu teahouses with coffee houses in Paris, probably not after been ear cleaned in Renmin park, more likely have enjoyed a cup of green tea in one of these kind of teahouses along Funan river,

Chengdu locals take pride in their city for good reasons. History and commerce, animal and people apparently all meet in peace.

Chengdu people love dogs, yes, as pet.

Once you step into the dog market by Funan River on a Sunday morning, you will understand why Chengdu locals prankishly call it "international dog expo". (狗博会,哈哈)A full display of the beauty of variations--color, race(一般来说,race我们知道的意思是赛跑,但是这个地方表示狗的品种), origin and character! As a dog devotee, it surprised me that many of them even I haven't seen before...

I am so jealous of (经典句型,表示嫉妒。。)those who take a little puppy home today. You get good bargains here(这个句子也特别经典,表示东西特别便宜,如果你给别人介绍成都的荷花池,也用上这个句子吧。). Of course it takes more than just money to have a dog. You need have a comfortable living, slow paced life, contented life style. Sooner or later, I will have a dog, perhaps have to move down here then...

That's the down side of being a traveler, many things you love and care. You can't take them home.

But if you are a flea market(跳蚤市场,就是那种东西特别廉价的地方,我觉得成都荷花池也基本上可以这么翻译。怎么突然发现我对荷花池这么感兴趣了呢?) fanatic, and happen to be in the city on Sunday. This is the best place to rummage and find some carriable bargain. Everything from old books and coins, Tang potteries to old gramophones from unidentifiable origin, you never know what you will find to take home.

Some stall owners here are hobby collectors themselves, they tend to be more nonchalant to price negotiation, but more keen in lecturing you about their "real thing",

Some others are mind readers. They look at your interest and experience then offering you a price that's just slightly out of your sustainable budget...

I am just a travel reporter, but really if you are interested in Chinese antique furniture you don't have to read a million trillion books, all you need is a feeling and a vibe. It's about picking up things, holding them, and smelling them. Conveys that kind of affinity, feel like yours? Take it home! This one? It is nice but should belong to someone else..."

I was there mostly for the fun, not the finds, but here?! Chengdu snacks, Chengdu xiaochi, something I wont miss! Chills don't simply blast the taste buds, they stimulate them as well,

Chengdu is a city of simplicity and sophistication. Place of abundance, people who have time, no wonder it becomes a center of modern poetry and modern art scene in the Southwest.

I met a sculptor in Chengdu Huayuan, a small art gallery hidden in old town yet a famous venue for modern art exhibits.

After have met many entreprenant modern artists in China, modern art starts becoming more disputable to me. Talking to Mr. Shi certain restored my faith in Chinese modern artists: who are not sitting between two chairs of the old and the new, the foreign and the local, but comfortably settle in the middle, rooted in local culture, incorporating traditional elements, free from choices of material, creating a new form of expression.

When you walk into a Sichuan house, or walk around the entire city, sweeps of the distinguished ma la flavor will easily make you crave for more Sichuan food. My pleasant modern art exhibit visit also restored my confidence in fusion food.

Dining here is certainly not only a gastronomic experience--the setting with a Japanese twist glazed the Chengdu local fondue: hotpot, into something less social, but certainly has a more exclusive and even romantic appeal.

Some may question the authenticity of such fusion food. But as I was told, it is never a concern here in Sichuan. Searching for variations and find dining experience is Chengdu locals' insatiable pursuit; Sichuan cooking has the tradition of encouraging innovation to meet that need.

Certain tourist programs are so obligatory in travel itinerary that it feels like a must, then it feels less attemptive, like the Sichuan opera show, but once you are there, you will understand why you can't miss it. This is certainly one of these moments!

It is easy for today's well-traveled audience to suppose the secret behind changing face and spitting fire in Sichuan opera, but it is hard not to be impressed.

Puppet show is always my favorite. Every time I cant help gawping at the performer and wondering how someone can inject life into a wooden dummy and turn it into a person of character, this case, a vivid beauty of character that easily won the heart of all, effortlessly...

As xiuxian as it is, Chengdu is a vibrant modern city after all, 5 minutes walk in Chunxi road, the center of the city, you will feel charged with an extra doze of energy, 15mins walking around all shopping malls and sale signs will raise your heartbeat, 50mins later, loaded with your harvested shopping bags and more faith in the city in process, you will probably find Chengdu's urban marketing slogan "a city once you come, you will find it hard to leave" makes very much sense.

But for Chengdu locals who work hard for it, a temporary leave is almost necessary. I learned a new phrase called 5/2 people here addressing for local weekenders. Some of them simply drive to villages around the city and spend two nights at farmers house, and some others lives more regularly 5 days in the city and 2 days in the suburbs. For most city people, the urge of a respite from the city is often coincide with the unquenchable longing for it. Reasons? Too many...

One can find hotpot all over China in one form or another, it has really been taken to heart by the Sichuanese and

for the most striking adaptation to local taste you find here.

After a few days getting my feet wet in Chengdu night scene, it was not difficult to get a horde of youngsters together and guide me to taste the true hotpot, again, no whimpy sweat and sour, only the authentic MA and LA, tingling spicy.

The season the cooked food in oil spiced with MSG, salt and chili powder. The effect is powerful. Locals explain its use as a result of climate - chilies are warming in winter and cooling in summer and, according to Chinese medicine, dispel "wet" illnesses brought about by humid conditions. But I found MA LA hotpot is simply the best socializing dinner. When you share a big hotpot of munchies over cold beers with your warm new friends, it guarantees a MALA: tingling spicy party!

Chengdu's nightlife has to be one of the most vibrant I have seen in China, certainly starts earlier than Shanghai, ends later than Beijing, as many night street food stalls as Guangzhou.

From my new friends, these youngsters who are always on the prowl for something new, I learned about their favorite little bar, a place magnetizes loyal underground rock music fans, 5 years in a roll, quite a record for a bar of any kind.

Over the past 5 years, Ms. yang, called “sister Yang" by her baby bands offered the little stage for free to young musicians. Many of them are college students and newly graduates who are struggling in finding themselves musically and personally. She said she was just touched by their passion for things they love, and she simply wanted to support this kind of attitude of searching and life style in progress.

Please don't tell me they sound similar with some other bands. It is just so refreshing to hear the new voices, seeing so many young faces together, here in Chengdu. The contrast of old and new in this city always amazes me. And the balance of urban scene and wonderful nature always make my trip exciting. I am going out of Chengdu next week and need find some travel companions, so many people inside, easy, right? See you next week, I am Yanling



1. 这是一幅流动的画,这是一帧立体的景,这是一曲迷人的交响……我感到这山城夜晚焕发出的无限动感与生机比白日里更要美丽,更要动人,撩人遐思,动人心魄。是的,重庆的山水闻名于世,而这梦幻般的夜景实在是为重庆山水添加了一个绝妙的恰到好处的注脚。

2. 山城华灯初放,一路上万家灯火,高低明灭,车流不息,流光溢彩,交相辉映,簇簇璀璨,确实令人心动。车到南山,停车登楼,我那颗心早已急不可待地扑到了观景台。此时这里已是人影幢幢,看来重庆夜景这张名片还是吸引了众多的游人。

3. 朋友说,岂止是游人,我们本地人也是经常来看夜景的,毕竟家乡总是在发生变化的嘛。绕开忙着留影的人群,我们来到观景台的汉白玉栏杆前,果然,这是一个绝佳的观景地点,放眼一望,就已经被深深地震撼了——这还是城市的夜景么?只觉得火树银花,星汉灿烂,宛似天上人间!

4. 如果天气晴好,天上的星,地上的灯,交相辉映,相互交融,极目远眺,分不清哪个是星,哪个是灯。

5. 的确,有山之起伏,有城之活力,有水之潋滟,重庆的夜景美得沁人心脾,让人感动。此时此刻,我看着眼前美妙的景色,就像聆听城市的夜色,聆听一个城市的呼吸……今夜,重庆好美!

6. 漫步在去天府广场的路上,隐约传来婉转动听的歌声,寻声望去,映入眼帘的是“七彩雾都”——天府喷泉。环顾四周,广场北临科技馆和毛主席挥手像;西临西御饭店;东临仁和春天和锦城艺术宫。低头一瞅,只见地面有许许多多的LED灯向左右“伸”去。灯光的颜色有序变幻,就像小时候玩耍的万花筒,节奏转换的灯珠为整个广场添加了一抹光彩照人的风景线。

7. 在我们眼前,是一片层层叠叠、错落有致的五彩之光,是一片璀璨的灯的海洋,分不清哪里是天上的星星,哪里是人间的灯火,抑或是天上的星星跌入了人间,人间的灯火也开放在星空。此刻还我觉得,山城在长江和嘉陵江的怀抱之中,就像一条高低错落、曲直相映、异彩纷呈、通体透明的船,这条船以朝天门为船头,正行驶在两江之上,行驶在灯海星汉之中。

8. 两江与灯海相衬,霓虹在江面倒映,车船在星河流彩,有动有静,动静结合,相得益彰,令人犹如身处诗里梦里一般。

9. 夜景,是忙碌了一天的人们休闲、娱乐、放松的场所。在中国有许多的夜景堪称一绝,为城市添加了一道亮丽的风景。如上海的东方明珠,重庆的船上风景,北京的热闹市井……成都也不例外,那就是家喻户晓的——天府广场。

10. 夜深了,城市累了,困了,倦了,睡了,安安静静,做着甜蜜的美梦。城市是美丽的,夜色是美丽的,城市的夜色更是美丽的。我爱这座城,我更爱这座城市的夜景。

11. 夜晚的蓉城处处灯火辉煌、交相辉映。往来穿梭的车辆,高高耸立的路灯,富丽堂皇的商场,熙熙攘攘的人群,把这个城市装扮得分外的妖娆和美丽,好一个不夜锦官城!

12. 看重庆夜景,非南山一棵树莫属,那里能够俯瞰重庆全景,伟岸的渝中半岛能尽收眼底,可我迄今为止,除了路过它一次,还没有真正登上去,也许上面看重庆的确是最美丽的。

13. 重庆能够看夜景的好地方远不止这一处了,在解放碑广场可以看四周高楼的流光异彩,在南滨可以看渝中南区,在北滨可以看渝中北区,在渝中可以看南岸,墨黛色的南山就是夜色的最好注脚和陪衬……

14. 重庆的夜景宛如星星一般那么璀璨,那么楚楚动人!

15. 重庆夜景的美就在于上苍赋于起伏的地势,造就了错落有致的节奏美;就在于江水悠悠,水天一色静谧而浓郁的朦胧美;就在于城市建设者的精心设计,在追求华美的同时又不失秀美。

16. 但是,这些城市的夜景与重庆相比,我还是觉得重庆夜景有着不可替代的独有特色。这是因为重庆坐山拥水,既有大山的伟壮,能够把空间的立体审美价值近乎完美地表现出来;又有大江的灵气,能够环绕造型,衬托山色,山水相映,融为一体。

17. 继续向前走,就来到了喷泉前。喷泉的后方在不停的冒出一股股“仙气”,这水雾利用水蒸气的原理,好似仙女下凡一般,踩着仙气,来到了人间。一首悦耳的歌曲传入耳中,喷泉开始流光溢彩,一会儿紫、一会儿蓝、一会儿绿,呈现出一片五彩缤纷的景致。它就像一群妙龄少女在舞台上透过灯光和歌曲,扭动着自己婀娜的身姿,再配上协调的动作开始“狂舞”。

18. 夕阳西下,华灯初上,一盏、两盏,一层、两层,一排、两排,高的、低的,远的、近的,赤橙黄绿青蓝紫,像是进了大观园,一朵朵,一簇簇,一串串的鲜花竞相绽放,五颜六色,姹紫嫣红,有一种被簇拥的感觉,似梦似幻,如入仙境。

19. 今夜,城市像安睡的婴儿。宁静,甜蜜,无数双洁白的翅膀在梦里飞翔。在幽暗的大街上,梧桐树相互对望,轻轻的风儿传递着她们私密的话语。一只小鸟从一根枝桠飞向另一根枝桠,有一些颤颤巍巍,像少女羞涩的脸颊偶尔被阳光的丝线触摸了一下。

20. 居民楼一片片、一幢幢坐落在城市各处,家家窗户里透出淡淡的、柔柔的灯光。我想,那灯光一定折射出了千千万万个幸福、温馨、和谐的场景:或许是莘莘学子在伏案攻读;或许是勤劳的母亲在忙忙碌碌;或许是爷爷奶奶在含饴弄孙;或许是新婚燕尔在缠缠绵绵,双栖双宿;或许是孩童在牙牙学语、姗姗走步。

21. 从在SM城一路往火车站方向走来,可以看到延路每幢大楼的墙上安装了各色的霓虹灯,并且不断的变换着各种图案,有时候会出现一条五颜六色的彩虹,在往前走就可以看见一只小狗踩在一个彩球上。还有白鹭在展翅高飞,真是美极了.

22. 随着欢快的音乐响起,喷泉开始上下摆动,在彩灯的照射下,时而红时而绿,五光十色,十分迷人。那喷泉下的水池在各种颜色的映衬下也显得更加光彩夺目。

23. 咖啡的味道散尽了,柠檬的颜色失却了。只有夜色如初,在回望中荡漾着渔舟晚唱,在凝视中期盼着雁塔晨钟。那一座座繁杂慌乱的村庄,那些摩肩接踵的身影,那些霓红与叫卖,如昨日黄花烟消云散。母亲眼中的孩子,他们早已长大成人。清纯的歌声从西边传来,那里是我出生的地方。

24. 默默肃立的路灯,像等待检阅的哨兵,站姿笔挺,瞪着炯炯有神的眼睛,时刻守护着这城市的安宁。一排排、一行行路灯不断向远方延伸,汇聚成了一支支流光溢彩的河流,偶尔有汽车疾驰而去,也是一尾尾鱼儿在河里游动。

25. 重庆的夜景是最美的,美得让世间所有形容生命、形容辉煌、形容感动、形容温暖的词汇都成了它的描述!是的,重庆的夜景是最美的,我想,这是重庆占尽了天时地利的缘故,天时固然与重庆直辖和加快改革建设速度有关,这地利眼前就有两点:一是重庆市区三面临江,一面靠山,倚山筑城,道路盘旋,风貌独特,让人无论站在哪个位置,都能欣赏到层层叠叠的灯光,让人沉醉在充满梦幻和璀璨的色彩之中;二是重庆是江城,有两江环抱,有双桥相邻。

26. 海沧大桥上的霓虹灯闪起来了,既似一条金光闪闪的长龙横跨的桥的两岸,又像朵朵含苞欲放的花儿。走在路上,欣赏着这些迷人的夜景,我心里在想:这些图画是怎么弄上去呢?为什么只有晚上会亮,而白天不亮呢?是怎样使它们不断地变换的……?面对着这么多的疑问,我急忙问姐姐。姐姐的回答是:“这都是因为科技越来越发达,才能有这么迷人的景色……”

27. 自然,与公家在西湖边放的气势,是不能同日而语的,没有震耳欲聋的连珠炮响,也不能把半个天空,染成彩色,并且有云蒸霞蔚的烟雾,尤其是在潮湿天。不对,这焰火,老是只有那么一种颜色——暗的绿,并且,不见闪烁。难道是“最新产品”,有定身术,放将上去,可以永久地悬在那里,放光芒。

28. 十字路口的信号灯不知疲倦,频频眨着警惕的火眼金睛,注视着来来往往车辆的一举一动,有条不紊地指挥着交通。

29. 夜晚,晚风轻拂,轻轻的吹动着窗帘,星空上的明月很是耀眼,那看似小巧的星星也镶嵌在旁边。在这样的夜晚,可以暂时不去想那些令人忧伤烦恼的事情,可以静静的一边品着香茶或是咖啡观赏着这夜晚的天空。

30. 节日期间,户户门楣上挂了灯笼,每一条小巷、每一条胡同便被映照得通红通红,里里外外一片喜庆。一株株大树披满了LED,便如到了圣诞夜,又如一夜春风,千树万树梨白、桃花红。大厦的轮廓灯开始启用,光芒四射,金碧辉煌,熠熠生辉,像佛光普照。

31. 重庆的夜晚让人陶醉,让人情不自禁想赞美她,让人留连忘返。




1. 李昊一个跨步,来到了冲在最前面龙壹的左边,一把抓住他左手的钢管,一把抓住他还缠有纱布的手臂,用力一拧,发出咔嚓一声,肩关节已经脱臼,龙壹的惨叫声这才响起。

2. 方寒在一旁冷笑:“只要你答应把XX交出来,我就放你一马如何?”“妄想,我是不会把XX交给你的。”此刻的张晓已经没有一战之力,但还是在那里坚毅的说道。方寒冷笑,大脚朝着张晓踹来,并在那里喊道:“那你就去死吧。”

3. 张晓无奈,只好一个懒驴打滚,朝地上滚去。他此刻灰头土脸的滚在一旁,然后跌跌撞撞的想站了起来。方寒在一旁大笑:“就这些手段,也敢跟老夫作对,真是不自量力!”“我……绝不可以倒下!”张晓咬牙切齿的用胳膊扶在地上,但是酸软的胳膊丝毫提不起任何力气,只是无奈的又搭拉了下去。

4. 咔嚓!听到那一声,张晓就知道自己的胳膊被对方废了!一阵阵嘶心裂肺的疼痛让张晓浓眉紧皱了起来,然后痛苦的哼了一声。张晓就觉得自己双臂现在就像铁一般沉重,丝毫没有力气去抵挡对方的第二拳!方寒见一拳打伤了张晓,紧接着朝着张晓脑袋又是一拳!

5. 只见方寒一拳轰出,那拳风呼啸着朝着张晓而来!张晓大惊,他此时还未来得及做出防御动作,就见那拳头像着自己脑袋砸来,这一拳如果砸实了,自己的性命估计也交代在这里了。张晓只好退步,用双臂去硬接方寒这一拳!

6. 此时,看到龙壹已经休克,龙贰,龙叁也同时一惊,特别是龙叁,顿时想起了还在医院被李昊打残的三个兄弟的惨样,要和他单挑简直是找死,赶紧朝后退去,可惜却慢上了一步,李昊一把将龙壹推向最边上的龙贰,闪电般的踢出一脚,龙叁那高大的身躯直直的飞了出去,一个完美恶狗扑食落地,整个脸蛋和那水泥地来了一次亲密接触,直刮得的皮开肉绽,鲜血直流。

7. 手腕一番,手中的小刀脱手而出,化出一道流光,射进了龙贰的大腿,龙贰惨叫一声,身子朝后面倒去。




