
时间:2018-07-31    来源:经典美文    点击:

nope 第一篇_英语俗语

1. Clear. / All clear. (检查完)安全了,没事了。事情都搞定了

2. Go ahead,相当于 Yes,please。好的你说吧 / 你就这么做吧

3. Watch my back。Cover me。掩护我,哥们我要上了

4. I got your back,我给你殿后,我会支持你

5. Roger. / Roger that. / Copy that. 表示收到信息 / 指令,会执行的

6. Abort!Abort!行动中止,别干了赶紧撤

7. false alert,假警报,虚惊一场

8. Just follow my lead. 按我说的办,听我指挥


1. in:上场,流行

I'm in. (你玩不玩啊?)带上我,这个活儿我接了

2. out

pass out,晕过去了


ask/take her out(for a date/dinner)专指约会

go out with him,约会

She is out of your league.你配不上她,女神追不着的

inside out,衣服穿反了

freak out,发飙

You're out of your mind,你疯了吧

3. on

表示继续 move on:(忘了失恋)继续生活吧

Dream on!做你的梦去吧

Dinner is on me. 晚饭我请客

turn me on,让我兴奋(某些方面)

on the house,请客

4. off

take a day off,休一天假

Fxxk off!滚远点

Knock it off!少来了

I have to take off,我得走了

piss me off,让我很生气 (I'm angry 哈哈哈)

5. into

He's just not that into you.他就是没那么喜欢你

run into somebody,在大街上碰到谁


Bottoms up! 干杯

man up,雄起,给力点

Suit up!老爸老妈浪漫史里的 Barney 最喜欢说的一句话,把西装穿起来! something just came up,突然冒出来点事情(打乱计划)

back me up, 支持我,支援我

What’s up?怎么了?有什么事么

7. down: 倒下,堕落

Don't let me down.别让我失望

8. over:

get over somebody,失恋了试图忘记某人

9. around

fool around:招蜂引蝶

I'll show you around.我带你四处转转

10. against somebody,反对谁,跟谁对着干


I'm with you.我同意你,我支持你

I'll always be with you. 我会永远和你在一起

What is it with that guy?那家伙是怎么回事啊

How did it go with him?你和他交往的如何,进展顺利不


1. do:


Any day will do.哪一天都可以

do me a favor,帮我个忙

No one does me better than me,不解释,霸气的苏菲

2. take

take it seriously,当回事

take it for granted,觉得理所当然

You take your time,你慢慢来

I'll take from here. 接下来交给我吧

take my word for it,相信我说的

Let me take care of it. 我来处理

I can't take it anymore.我受不了了

3. get

You got me. 你问倒我了,你抓住我了

I got it. / Got it. 明白了,知道了

Don't get me wrong. 别误会我的意思

You got a minute?有时间吗?

get it done,把这个做完

get lost,给我消失

4. give

I don't give a damn/shit. 我 TMD 不在乎 Don't give me that.少跟我来这套

Don't give me that look!别跟我这幅表情

give it a shot/try,尝试一下

5. count

Don't count on it. 别太指望这事

You can count on me.你可以依赖我

count me in(做什么事)算上我一个

6. make

make up your mind,做决定

Let's make a deal. 我们做个交易吧

make a big deal out of it,当个大事,大惊小怪 make out,亲热(男女朋友那种)

Let me make it up to you. 让我好好补偿你吧

7. I'm screwed.我惨了

Screw you!去你妹的

screw it up,搞砸

8. work,行得通

That works for me. 对我来说可以的(接受这个条件)

9. hit

hit on somebody,勾引调戏 PUA

hit it off 相处得很好,合得来

10. 系动词 be

Be a man!Be nice!Be cool!

I'll be there for you.我会支持你的

I can't help it.情不自禁

I don't mean it.我不是故意的

I mean it.我认真的

I can't follow you.我听不明白你在说什么

I can't reach him.我联系不上他

nope 第二篇_常用口语

How is it been?---怎么样?

How is everything?---一切好吗?

How have you been?--你过的怎么样?

What have you been up to?--最近忙什么?

What's up?--怎么样?

Greetings for various times of the day(一天中不同时间的问候)

Short-form greetings(短语问候)

Greeting someone you have't seen in a long time


I have't seen you in years!好久没见到你了!

long time no see!好久不见

I have'tt seen you in an age!长时间没见你了!

Expressing surprise at meeting someone(表达遇见某人的惊奇)

What a surprise to meet you here!真没想到在这里碰见你!【nope】

imagine meeting you here !没想到在这里见到你

Never thought I'd meet you here!没想过在这里见到你

what brings you here?什么风把你吹来了?

where have you been hiding youself? 你都躲到哪里去了?

what have you been up to ?最近你都在干些什么?

Express your state of health and happiness表达你的健康状况和高兴的心情 I'm cool我很好

fine and dandy 挺好的

could't be better 再好不过了

no complaints没有怨言

Telling how you have been doing表达你现在怎么样

keeping busy 挺忙的

keeping out of trouble没什么不好的

could be worse 还好

could be better 一般

same as usual 和平常一样

not so good不太好

not well不好

not great不好


I have seen better days没以前好了

Explaining that you have been busy 表达你很忙

I'm snowed under忙坏了

I don't have time to breathe歇口气的时间都没有

I don't have time to think想事的时间都没有

not a moment to spare一点空也没有

Inviting a friend for a drink or coffee邀请朋友喝酒或咖啡

Do you have time for coffee?有空去喝咖啡吗?

how about a cup of coffee?去喝杯咖啡怎么样?

let's go for a drink去喝点东西吧

let't go get coffee.Do you have any time?我们去喝咖啡吧,你有时间吗? Introducing someone to someoneelse把某人介绍给别人

I'd like you to meet someone我想让你见见某人

This is my friend XX这是我的好朋友XX

Have you two been introduced?你们两已经认识了吗?

You two have a lot in common 你们两有很多共同点

When you have just been introduced to someone当你刚被介绍给某人认识后 How nice to meet you 认识你很高兴

What a pleasure to meet you 认识你真的很高兴

After you have been introduced to someone当你被介绍给某人认识后

I've been wanting to meet you for some time以前我就想认识你

I've heard so much about you 我曾多次听别人说起你

so we finally meet face-to-face我们终于面对面地认识了

Signaling the end of a conversation 暗示谈话结束

Oh,look at the time哦,几点了.

It's getting late挺晚的了

It's really good to see you ,but i really must go 很高兴见到你,但我真的得走了 I Really have to go ,we'll talk sometime我真的要走了,以后再聊

Ending a telephone conversation结束电话交谈

There is someone on the other line I must say good-bye now另一条线有人等着,得和你说再见了

can i call you back ?someing has come up 我待会打过来好吗?这里有点事 I won't keep you any longer我不和你再聊了

I'll let you go 我就不打扰你了

Making plans to keep in touch with someone预备和某人保持联系

I'll call you when I get home我回家就给你打电话

call when you get there 到那边给我打电话

Don't forget to call别忘了打电话

Write me 写信给我

Let's keep in touch多联系

Stating your conversation 表达赞同

This is true 这是真的

That's right对

That's for sure那是当然的

I have no problem with that我没有意见

We see eye to eye on this这件事我们意见相同

Stating that you understand表达你的理解

I hear you 我听见你说的

I see(know) what you mean 我明白你的意思

I got you 我懂你的意思

I'm there with you我懂你的话

Making sure you are understood确定别人明白你的话

do you know what i mean懂我的意思吗?

Does that make any sense?明白了吗?

Are you following me?你听懂我的话了吗?

Don't you see?你懂了吗?

Dou you get it?你明白吗?

Do you follow?懂了吗?

You are with me ,right?你明白了,是不是?

Stating simple disagreement or refusal表达简单的不同意见或拒绝 NO way没门

Not a chance不可能


Stating categorical dissgreement明确表达不同意见

That's not true不是这样的

That's not right那不对

You've got it all wrong你搞错了

You missed the boat你搞错了

You're off你不明白

Stating strong disagreement表达强烈不同意见

I disagree completely我完全不同意


That's out of the question不可能

That's unthingable不可思议

Expressing rejection表达拒绝

I hate it我恨它

I don't care for it 我才不管它呢

It's not my style这不是我的风格

It's terrible真可怕

It's awful可怕

Nothing doing 帮不了忙

Not a chance不可能

Absolutely not!绝对不能

Dream on做梦去吧

Save your breath省口气吧

You're barking up the wrong tree你找错人了

Over my dead body除非我死了

Forget it算了吧

Not in a million years以后都不可能

Not for a million dollars再多钱也不干

Stating that someone is wrong说明某人的错误

What are you talking about?你在说什么

you don't know what you're talking about你根本不知道自己在说什么 You don't have a leg to stand on你根本没道理

You don't know the first thing about it这件事你不明究竟


You're really stretching the truth你真的歪曲事实了

You're way off base你错的离谱了

Arguing about the facts争辩事实

You're got it all wrong 年搞错了

You're got the facts wrong你对事情理解错了

You haven't got the facts你不知道真相

Don't jump to conclusions别过早地下结论

Getting someone to listen to you 让某人听你说话 Look there看着

Listen here 听着

Listen up听清楚

Here me out听我说

Are you listening to me ?你在听我说吗?

Are you paying attention你集中注意力了吗?

I'm talking to you我在和你说话

Do you here me 你在听我说话吗【nope】

Do I have you ear?你在听我说吗

Can I bend your ear a minute?你能听我说几句吗? Am i making myself heard?我的话有人听吗?

Directing attention to an object引导注意力到某物上 Take a look at this请看这里

Feast your eyes on this眼睛看这里

Look what we have here看看我们这儿有些什么

Can you believe your eyes?你能相信自己的眼睛吗?

Confirming that you are paying attention声明你在注意听 I here you我听见你说的

I'm listening我在听

I'm still here我在听

I'm all ears我正认真地听

nope 第三篇_英语里常用的语气词

~ Oops.. (错了 的意思)


推荐访问:yep noob
