
时间:2018-02-03    来源:学生随笔    点击:

8,15 第一篇_数列3,8,15,24,35…的一个通项公式为( )









8,15 第二篇_0,2,8,15,( ) A.24B.25C.26 D.27









8,15 第三篇_8.15招聘需求



1. 负责公司电商平台“家园商城”的产品设 UCD方法论,制订高保真原型和相关PRD文档;








1. 本科以上学历,3年以上互联网项目产品经理相关工作经验,熟悉各类互联网产品,对当前国内外流行的互联网产品有一定接触和研究;

2. 有电子商务类网站或电商团队工作经验(重要),对家装互联网有一定了解者优先;

3. 具备一定的交互设计能力和UI审美能力;

4. 具备市场调研、市场竞争、市场需求分析能力,具备基本项目管理和协调、沟通能力;

5. 能够对产品提出系统性改进建议与产品优化建议。





3、与产品经理及产品开发人员沟通协作,完善产品视觉化内容的设计;提出用户体验改进意见和建议,持续优化产品 ;对产品各阶段交互原型进行评测,最大化的提升用户体验满意度;





3、精通网页和手机App的UI设计设计;精通用户体验设计;具备对流行趋势敏锐的洞察力,能把握不同设计风格,并用视觉设计来引导用户;具有较强的互联网产品的可用性分析及用户行为分析能力; 精通人机交互理论和原则,可以根据商业需求,设计合理的界面原型及交互流程;














3、熟悉HTTP、TCP/IP通讯协议;熟悉iPhone/Android SDK开发环境及底层API调用,能够熟练运用XCode和其它开发工具;



8,15 第四篇_完形填空词汇8-15

1.after 在……之后;2. already 已经3. always 一直,总是;4. almost 几乎;

5.around 大约,周围;6.at 在;7.alone独自地;8.and 和;9.again又一地,再一地;10.accept接受;11.allow允许;12.ask问;13.away 离开;14.air空气;

15.arm手臂;16.afraid害怕;17.accident 事故;18.attitude态度;19.anything任何事情 20.angry生气;21.adventure冒险;22.action行动;23.activity活动;

24. advantage 优势;25.agreement同意,协议;26.avoid避免;27.appear出现;

28. awake醒着

1.beside在……旁边;2. back后面;3.between在(两者之间);4.before在……之前;5. by在……旁,到……时(为止);6.because因为;7. break打破;8. beat打败,战胜;9. business商业,事务,职责;10.breath呼吸;11. bring拿来 ;

12.body身体;13. believe相信;14. better比较好;15. boring无聊的,令人厌烦的;16.brave勇敢的;17. built建造;18.brighten(使)发光,发亮

1.cloud云;2. condition条件;3. catch拿着,抓住;4. completely完全地;

5. change改变;6.check检查,核对;7.cover盖,覆盖;8. cut切 9.celebrate庆祝;10.children孩子们;11.company公司,伙伴;12.come来;13. clear清楚的,明确的;14.choose选择;15.cold冷的








1.get得到,获得,买到;2.get on上车;3.go去,前往






11.jump跳 12.keep保持;保留;13.knock敲;14.know知道,认识,了解

1.low低的;2.leave离开,落下;3.little小的,少许,一点,几乎没有;4.land土地,国家,着陆;5.live居住;6.large大的,巨大的;7.leg腿8.loser失主,失败者;9.line线,行列,路线;10.lost丢失;11.listen(to) 听;12.lead领导,带领,过……生活;13.lay摆,放,下蛋;14.long长的;15.last持续,最后












1.take乘,花费;2.touch触摸;3.test测试;4.turn变化;5.tell告诉,讲;6.their他们的;7.terrible恐怖的;8.think想;9.thought想法;10.task任务;11.trouble麻烦;12.though即使;13.talk about谈论关于

1.up向上;2.to 3.under在……下面;4.until直到;5.understand理解,明白;

6.use使用;7.unfair不公平;8.uncertain不确定;9.unsafe不安全的;10.undoubted毫不怀疑的 11.value价值



8,15 第五篇_大宗商品8.11-8.15走势




周内中国公布数据不及预期,欧元区和德国公布数据低迷,俄乌等地缘政治危机层出不穷,基本金属受压,其中跌幅最大的是铅和锌。①:伦铝虽也有抗跌迹象,但仍顶不住大环境的下压氛围,下跌0.71%。②:伦铜破位性下跌,虽有逢低接货,但空头氛围下还是表现供大于求,跌1.86%。③:螺纹钢持续下跌,周跌1.95%。④:动力煤,稳中有升,周内创下反弹以来新高,周涨0.097%。 一、 铜 (一) 价格表

(二) 现货、期货走势对比图



【现货市场】 现货市场,期铜破位下跌,保值盘流出增加,加之交割前隔月价差保持在500元/吨左右,持货商逢高换现意愿强,供应压力增,现货升水难维,周初铜在5万元附近接货量虽有增加,但现铜跌破5万元后市场对后市看跌心态趋浓,底部位置进一步下降,观望情绪提升,暂停补货,周内虽逢低补货增加,但整体成交先扬后抑。

二、铝 (一)价格表【8,15】

(二) 现货、期货走势对比图


【期货走势】 国内沪期铝主力周初滞涨抗跌,甚至盘整区间稍有抬升,但随着伦铝跌破2000美元/吨关口,国内恐慌抛盘情绪出现,主力迅速跌破14000元/吨至13900元/吨低点,


【现货市场】周初现货波动区间进一步缩窄,SMM现货价格在14000-14070元/吨之间窄幅波动,中间商一方面对未来铝锭价格走势不明,另一方面本周现货成交贴水稳定在贴水100元/吨附近,套利交易区间也有限,参与市场积极性依旧不高,下游消费无起色,价格低端接货稍好,但持货商在14000元/吨关口挺价意愿较强,成交一度陷入拉锯状态,周末期铝大跌,SMM现货价格跌至13900元/吨,低价持货商惜售,出货减少,市场打破拉锯,呈现供不应求状态。 三 、 螺纹钢 (一) 价格表





8,15 第六篇_离婚协议书2016年8月15日










费(生活费)男女双方平摊,由女方支付每月 元,支付给男方,由男方用于儿子***的生活消费,支付至18周岁,支付方式 (支付方式:1.现金2.银行、支付宝等电子转账,男方收到现金应当出具收到条确认数额和时间,收到银行、支付宝等电子转账应当发短信确认数额和时间);由男方负担每月 元,支付至18周岁。












前,该笔债务用于儿子***看病、生活等) 元,男女双方各承担一半,离婚时女方按照本协议第二条约定的方式支付男方 元。











七、补充条款 。

男方 (签字):


2016年 月 日

8,15 第七篇_典范英语8-15

Here comes trouble

Chapter 1

On Friday afternoon Class Seven had an Art lesson. It was their favourite lesson of the week. Everyone looked forward to it.

Everyone except Trudy Hubble.

Trudy had elbows that stuck out and knocked things over. Her hands were large and clumsy. Her feet were so big she was always tripping over things.

When she came into the classroom Rob Mason said, ‘Look out, here comes Trouble!’【8,15】

This was Rob’s idea of a joke. He called her ‘Trouble’ because it sounded like her two names—Trudy Hubble—put together. The other kids laughed. Trudy had to smile and pretend she didn’t mind.

But she did mind. She minded a lot.

Mrs Weston said, ‘Sit down, Trudy. Let Lisa bring you a water jar and some paints.’

Trudy knew why Mrs Weston wanted her to sit down. Mrs Weston had been her teacher for three months now. She had seen what happened when Trudy tried to do Art. It was always a disaster!

Lisa Gibbs fetched paper and paint and brushes.

She put them on the table she shared with Trudy. Next, she filled a jar with water and took that to Trudy. Before she sat down she moved her chair as far away from Trudy as possible.

Trudy wished she could be more like Lisa. Lisa never knocked things over. She had small hands and feet and wavy brown hair. Trudy’s hair was as straight as straw.

‘Now, today,’ Mrs Weston said, ‘I’d like you to paint me a monster. The scariest monster you can think of.’

‘Oh, great!’ Class Seven loved painting monsters.【8,15】

Trudy decided to start with the eyes. The eyes were the scariest part of any monster. She dipped her brush in red paint. Then she made two large red circles on the paper.

Then two large yellow circles.

Then two large green circles.

But it didn’t look much like a monster. It looked more like two sets of traffic lights.

She glanced at Lisa’s picture. Lisa had painted a beautiful green dragon with flames coming out of its mouth.

Trudy sighed. She reached out to dip her brush in some black paint and-oh, no!

She knocked over the jam jar. Dirty water spread in a pool across the table. It drowned Lisa’s dragon.

‘Oops, sorry,’ Trudy muttered.

Lisa started down at her soggy picture. Tears came into her eyes.

Rob Mason came over to look. ‘Hey, Mrs Weston!’ he called. ‘Come and see what Trudy’s done now.’

Trudy went red in the face. ‘I’ll get a cloth,’ she muttered.

She jumped to her feet-and-

Her chair fell over backwards.

She turned round and her paintbrush caught Rob Mason across the face. It gave him a droopy black moustache.

He was so surprised that he staggered back against a wire bookstand. The bookstand came crashing down and books went all over the floor.

‘Oh, no!’ Mrs Weston came hurrying over. She caught her leg on Trudy’s chair and laddered her tights.

Chapter 2

I hate Art, Trudy thought as she went home on the bus. And I hate school! She wished she never had to go to school again.

The bus stopped outside her house. She jumped up from her seat. Her elbow knocked a woman’s hat right over her eyes. She got off the bus and ran indoors.

As soon as she opened the door she knew something was wrong. The house was too quiet. Not a sound from the kitchen. Not a sound in the hall.

‘Mum?’ she called.

‘I’m upstairs, Trudy.’ Mum’s voice sounded strange, all hoarse and croaky.

Trudy went upstairs two-at-a-time. She opened the bedroom door.

Mum lay in bed, holding a box of paper hankies. ‘I’ve got an awful cold,’ she said. ‘Don’t come too close or you might catch it.’

‘Okay.’ Trudy stayed near the door. ‘Shall I make you a mug of tea?’

Mum said quickly, ‘No, thanks. I’ll wait till your dad gets home.’

Trudy sighed. She knew why Mum didn’t want her to make any tea. She was afraid Trudy would spill it coming up the stairs.

‘What’s that?’ Trudy asked eagerly.

‘Take a message to Mrs Willow. Tell her I shan’t be well enough to come to work tomorrow.’ Mum blew her nose into a paper hanky. ‘She’s a very old lady. I don’t want to give her my cold.’

Trudy turned to the door.

‘Thanks. Oh, but Trudy-‘

Trudy stopped. ‘Yes, Mum?’

‘Mrs willow’s house is full of beautiful things. I have to be very, very careful not to break anything. So, if she asks you to come in, you’d better say no.’

Trudy sighed. ‘Yes, Mum.’

She went downstairs again and ran along the crowded street. ‘Oops, sorry,’ she said as she bumped into a passer-by. Luckily she didn’t have far to go.

Mrs willow lived in a tall, graceful old house. Trudy knocked on the door and waited. She heard the tap-tap of a stick coming from inside.

The door opened.

There stood an old lady with white hair and sharp blue eyes. Although she walked with a stick, she was tall and graceful, like her house.

‘Hello, Mrs Willow,’ said Trudy. ‘I’m Trudy Hubble. My mum’s your home help. She won’t be able to come tomorrow. She’s got a cold.

‘I’m sorry to hear that. What she needs is my special cold cure. Come inside and I’ll give you some.’ Mrs Willow opened the door wider.

Trudy remembered her mother’s warning, I’ll wait here,’ she said.

‘Nonsense, you can wait in my sitting room.’ Mrs Willow turned and started to walk down the hall, her stick tap-tapping on the floor.

Oh, help! thought Trudy. What should she do?

‘come in, come in,’ called Mrs Willow.

Trudy took a deep breath and stepped inside.

Chapter 3

Trudy looked round Mrs Willow’s sitting room.

She saw at once why Mum had been worried. There were beautiful things everywhere-pretty china figures and little glass animals, delicate tea sets and glass bowls. But the most beautiful thing of all stood alone on a little table. It was a large green-and-white vase with a dragon painted on the side.

Trudy stood very, very still. She was afraid to move in case she knocked something over. Stiff as a statue, she kept her

elbows pressed to her sides.

Mrs Willow came back into the room. ‘Ah, I see you’re looking at my Chinese vase,’ she said. ‘It’s very, very old. Do you like it?’

Trudy nodded.

Mrs Willow held out a small brown bottle. ‘Here’s my cold cure,’ she said. ‘Don’t ask me what’s in it. It’s an old family secret. But it always works.’

Trudy took the bottle. She couldn't speak because she was holding her breath.

Mrs Willow looked hard at her. ‘Is something wrong?’

Trudy shook her head.

‘But you’ve gone quite red in the face. Are you sure you’re all right?’

Trudy could hold her breath no longer. She let it out in a long, long sigh. ‘I’m fine,’ she said. ‘Thanks for the cold cure, Mrs Willow. I must go home now.’

Mrs Willow looked sad. ‘Can’t you stay for a cup of tea?’

‘No, I-I have to go.’

Trudy couldn't wait to get away. The room was too full of beautiful things. Any minute now there would be a disaster, she felt sure. She turned to the door.

Something furry brushed against her leg. Trudy jumped backwards.

The furry thing gave a loud ‘YEOWLL!’ It leaped on to the piano.

Trudy jumped again, sideways. Her elbow hit the green-and-white vase. It began to sway. She watched in horror as it rocked from side to side……to side to side……to side to side and…

It fell to the floor and broke into little pieces. DISASTER.

Nobody moved. The cat-who had caused all the trouble-sat on top of the piano. It swished its tail.

Then Trudy said, ‘Oh, I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. It’s because I’m clumsy. That’s why I didn't want to came into your house. I knew something would get broken. It always does when I’m around.’

‘It’s all right,’ Mrs Willow said calmly.

Surprised, Trudy stared at her.

‘Not a bit. You see, that vase has been broken before. It had to be mended then. And do you know who broke it?’ Mrs Willow smiled. ‘I did, when I was just about your age. Yes, I used to be clumsy too.’

Trudy couldn’t believe it. Mrs Willow seemed so tall and graceful. She didn't look the sort of person who would knock things over.

‘You couldn't have been as clumsy as I am,’ she said.

Mrs Willow took a photo from the top of the piano. ‘Do you see this girl playing tennis?’ she asked. ‘Well, that was me.’ Trudy looked at the photo.

The girl playing tennis was tall and thin with untidy hair. She had a wide grin on her face.

Mrs Willow laughed. ‘I was a real ugly duckling, wasn’t I? But do you remember what happened to the ugly duckling?’ Trudy nodded. ‘It grew up to be a swan. But I don't think I shall. I’ll just grow up to been ugly duck.’

‘Not if you do as I did. You have to keep telling yourself that inside, where it matters, you’re really a swan.’

Trudy said doubtfully, ‘I’m a swan.’

‘It does work, you know. It’s a kind of magic. Say it again. This time, as if you really believe it.’

Trudy cleared her throat. She said it louder.

Mrs Willow smiled. ‘Now help me clear up these bits of old vase. Then we’ll have some tea.’

They drank tea from china cups. They ate chocolate cake off delicate plates.

And Trudy didn't break another thing. She ran home muttering, ‘I’m a swan, I’m a swan,’ and she didn't bump into a single person. So perhaps it was a kind of magic, after all.

But what would happen tomorrow, when she went to school.

Chapter 4

Next morning Mum’s cold was much better. ‘That’s because of Mrs Willow’s secret family cure,’ Trudy said.

‘It tastes horrible,’ said Mum. ‘But it seems to work.’

Trudy was glad the cold cure had worked. It proved that Mrs Willow knew what she was talking about. And if the cold cure worked, then the swan cure might work as well. She couldn’t wait to try it out.

On the way to school she tired thinking herself a swan.

She glided on to the bus and sat down slowly. She didn’t trip over anyone’s feet. She didn’t knock anyone’s hat off. When the bus stopped, she rose slowly from her seat.

She stepped on to the pavement.

It was surprising how different she felt, so tall and graceful.

In the school playground some children stood looking up into the chestnut tree.

‘Look out, here comes Trouble!’ called Rob Mason when he saw her.

Trudy pretended not to hear him. She saw that Lisa Gibbs was in tears. ‘What’s the matter?’ she asked.

‘It’s Lisa’s kite,’ said Rob. ‘It’s got stuck up the tree.’

‘Rob did it,’ Lisa said, wiping her eyes. ‘He let go and it flew up into the tree.’

Rob looked a bit ashamed of himself. ‘Stupid old kite,’ he muttered.

‘It’s a beautiful kite!’ said Lisa. ‘I got it for my birthday. It was my best present.’ She began to sob again.

‘Don’t cry,’ Trudy said kindly. I’ll get it down for you. I’m good at climbing trees.’

Lisa looked horrified. ‘No, you’ll tear it! It’s only made of paper. Can’t somebody else get it down?’

But nobody else wanted to climb the tree.

Trudy jumped up and grabbed the lowest branch. She swung herself up and began to climb.

‘Be careful,’ called Lisa. ‘It’s a special Chinese kite. It cost a lot of money.

Like the vase, Trudy though, and nearly stopped. But then she thought of Mrs Willow.

‘I’m a swan, I’m a swan,’ she muttered.

And she started climbing again. She climbed higher and higher until she reached the kite.

The kite was caught on a sharp twig. It was made of thin, silky paper and had a green dragon painted on it. Don’t rush, she told herself. Swans never rush.

At last she managed to free the kite.

But now she had to climb down again using only one hand. It took her ages, but she didn't rush.

She saw that Mrs Weston had joined the crowd below. But she still didn't rush.

Very, very carefully she swung herself down to the ground.

The kite was safe!

‘Thanks, Trudy.’ Lisa showed it to the others. ‘Look, it’s all right!’

Trudy felt very, very proud. But then Mrs Weston said, ‘Trudy Hubble, what a mess you look! Your hands and knees are filthy. Go and wash them ATONCE!’

For a moment Trudy felt like her old clumsy self. But then she remembered what Mrs Willow had said. It didn't matter how she looked outside. Inside, she was really a swan.

Trudy smiled at Mrs Weston. Then she glided swan-like across the playground and into school.



