
时间:2018-03-14    来源:私藏美文    点击:

南极大冒险 第一篇_南极大冒险















南极大冒险 第二篇_南极大冒险


Eight Below【南极大冒险】

This film is a story about scientific expedition at the vast land of Antarctica, about bonds of friendship among humans and dogs. It is based on the true story of a Japanese expedition. It is a moving story between human and dogs.

In order to search for a mysterious meteorite in Antarctica, Jerry Shepherd and other two scientists went to Antarctica with 8 sled dogs. But a few days later, for an unprecedented snowstorm, one scientist got hurt, so Jerry had to send him to a hospital immediately and left his 8 sled dogs. Jerry

promised to his loyal dogs that he would come back as soon as possible. These 8 sled dogs had to fight against the extreme weather and tried hard to survive. Meanwhile, Jerry and other two companions determined to do what they can rescue 8 sled dogs from snow and ice. In the race with time, life belief and determination become the most important elements. Finally, when they backed to the base, they found six of them incredibly survive. This scene let me excited to tears. After the film ended, I still can't help the tears and regret that Old Jack and Truman will forever of loneliness stayed in the Antarctic. In this movie, we can see the stubbornness of life and the belief between human and animals.


What impressed me the most are the dogs Maya and Max. Maya is a good girl and very smart. She is the leader of these dogs, and teaches their

members how to catch the birds corporately .At first, Max does not listen to her and does not catch anything .But when Maya was hurt by a leopard seal, Max becomes the leader. He gets some birds and obviously not enough for all their members, but he insists that Maya should take it. When I saw that Maya and Max pushed the food to each other’s front, my tears are all over

my face. Fortunately, after a lot of struggles, the owner of the dogs comes back almost half a year later and these huskies are all on their own. Finally, this is a happy ending. Although there are two dogs could not make it, but it is still an exciting thing.

This is a most touching movie I have ever seen recently. I could not stop thinking about the great loyalty of these dogs. They have faith on their owner and even they are abandoned reluctantly, they still try their best to survive and never give up any of their members. They are so smart and work together corporately to catch the birds or food. They live and have fun together. My favorite animal is a dog. I've always thought that a dog is human’s most loyalty friend. Eight dogs in this film are not only cute, but also strong and faithful. The dogs in Eight Below are excellent -- bravery, cooperation, loyalty, patience, and nobility, but their human costars are very selfish, ruthless and indifferent.

What is bravery and what is loyalty? There is no doubt that this film is full of bravery and loyalty, which 8 sled dogs brings to the audiences. Someone may say “dogs are just the dog without thought and wisdom.” Yes, I can’t deny such a reality, but in many respects we human beings do no better than animals. When people are facing the crisis, often put their own lives in the first place, to consider in the case, always considerate of other animals sacrifice life, even if they had just saved his life.

In all, these dogs’ pure loyalty is what we should learn.

南极大冒险 第三篇_《南极大冒险》观后感


最近,我观看了一部电影,名叫《南极大冒险》,本以为写的是南极科考队的艰辛科考旅程,然而并不是,讲述的是8条雪橇犬——领头犬玛雅,老实的捷克,健壮的麦克斯等的动人故事和狗与人的真情。 一个科考队想要去一个危险地方,寻找一块科研价值很高的陨石,8条雪橇犬和它们的主人杰瑞一同前往。后来暴风雪来临,一位地质学家遇险,玛雅救了他,暴风雪越来越猛烈,人们只好搭乘飞机逃走。因为飞机太小,无法同时乘下人们和8条雪橇犬,只能先送走人们再回来接它们,杰瑞无奈,只好先走了。后来暴风雪太过猛烈,人们决定放弃那几只几条雪橇犬,可杰瑞不同意,却又无法回去。过了150多天,那个地质学家回想起玛雅救了他,为之动情,决定去寻找它们。而这6个月,8条雪橇犬一直在努力生存,一起行动、一起捕食、一起休息,玛雅受伤了,大家带回食物依然让玛雅分配,不离不弃,他们相信,主人会回来的,最后人们发现了它们,救回了6条,有两条不幸 死去……







南极大冒险 第四篇_角色介绍之南极大冒险



 是一名南极考察站的工作员,做事严谨,安迪博士探寻陨石时的助手之一,在南极考察站饲养了八只雪橇犬。


 一名美国地质学家,性格古怪,到了杰里所在的南极考察站寄宿,并在杰里的帮助下,成功寻找到了心仪的陨石。


杰里的女同事,平时和杰里的关系不错,直到两人成功救回雪橇犬之后,正式确立彼此关系。 


 杰里在南极考察站的同事,擅长各种机械的操作。在杰里一行人返回考察家时,由查利驾驶飞机和雪车前往。【南极大冒险】

南极大冒险 第五篇_《南极大冒险》观后感600字

《南极大冒险》观后感600字 一片白茫茫的雪地、世界的最南端——南极,故事就从这里开始„„一群雪橇犬则是这故事的主角,它们坚强不屈、训练有素、忠心耿耿,他们是强大的护卫队;他们是完美的救援队;他们是南极冰川中的探险队;他们是被“抛弃”的伙伴! 博士是来南极探测外星陨石的,雪橇犬们就担当起了保护博士的任务。可是,意外却是常常发生的„„博士掉进了雪水坑——这是第二次了,也是最严重的一次,更是雪橇犬们被抛弃的原因!“护卫队”焦急的踱步。主人被雪橇犬找来了,他镇定的命令着救援,“护卫队”转瞬变成了“救援队”。玛雅小心翼翼的叼着救命绳索,在冰上匍匐前进,四周的伙伴们屏住呼吸,紧紧地盯着玛雅。玛雅将绳索递给了博士,当博士牢牢地被绳索套住时,雪橇犬们连忙站起身来狂吠,拉着绳索拼命的奔跑,终于将博士救出雪水坑外。博士被“护卫队”安然的送回基地。然而,博士还是受了伤——这意味着,博士与主人要抛弃雪橇犬们回到华盛顿! 这期间,主人时刻触景生情,对他的好伙伴们万分思念,就在他强迫自己不去思念之时,雪橇犬们在冰川中经历了太多太多„„雪橇犬们挣脱了枷锁——老杰克因无法挣脱枷锁,最终身亡——化为了这极地的“探险队”。

南极大冒险 第六篇_Eight Below南极大冒险英文观后感

Eight Below

The film Eight Below is inspired by a true story .The

story took place in Antarctic. Jerry Shepherd is a guide in Research Base Antarctica. There are eight dogs in the film, Maya, Max, Shorty, Dewey, Shadow, Buck, Old Jack, and Truman. Once a scientist came there to find an aerolite from Mercury. But an unexpected snowstorm put them be in danger. At last, the dogs saved them. They have to leave because of the snowstorm. But the plane is too small to carry the dogs. Although Jerry loved the dogs so much, they were ordered to leave there without the dogs. Finally, they came back after 150 days and saved the dogs.

“When you climb a mountain, go up a river, the exciting part is not what you know is there. It is what you don’t

know .It is what you might find.” This is what the scientist in the film told us. He also said that we had got to take chances for the things we care about. I think, we really need to take a risk on what we love. And what we need to remember is never lose faith.

南极大冒险 第七篇_《南极大冒险》影评


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