
时间:2018-08-01    来源:经典美文    点击:

wow一起走 第一篇_英语情景对话之新生入学



Nice to meet you./Glad to meet you.很高兴认识你。

Glad to see you again.很高兴又见到你。

It was nice meeting you.很高兴见到你。(会面结束时使用)

Would you like to do sth?你想做……?

Long time no see.好久不见。

A:Excuse me. Could you tell me where the building of the English School is?


B:Sorry,l am not familiar with the campus because I am a new comer as well.抱歉,我也是新来的,不熟悉这个校园。

A:It' s OK.没关系

B:Oh,wait a moment.I have a student guide. Let me have a look at it.


A: Thanks.谢谢。

情景对话 Dialogue One

B:It includes lots of information.Aha,there is a map and the building you are looking for is No.9 just in front of the library.这上面有很多信息。这儿有张地图,你要找的楼是九号,正好在图书馆的前面。

A:I really appreciate your help.非常感谢你的帮助。

B:You are welcome.Well,we are going in the same direction. Would you like to go with me?


A: Sure. I am Kelly. Nice to meet you.好的.我叫凯丽.很高兴认识你。

B:Glad to meet you too.I am David.Let' s go.我也是。我是大卫.走吧。

A:lli, Judy. Fancy meeting you here.嘿,朱迪。没想到在这儿遇见你。

B:You are Jessie,aren' t you?Are you studying in this university?


A:Yeah. Long time no see.是啊。好久不见了。

B:Time flies.llow are you doing?时间过得真快。你怎么样?

A:No bad.I like this university and my major very much.不错。我很喜欢这所学校也喜欢我的专业。

B:This university has a pretty good prospect.这所大学的前景很好.

将do, does, did前置起强调作用。[例如]She did make a great effort to reach her father' s requirement.她的确做了很大的努力以达到父亲的要求. Dialogue Two

A:I hope so.I am so glad that we can be schoolmates again. How about you?You were the top student in our middle school.希望如此。真高兴我们又成为校友了。你怎么样啊?以前在中学你可是优等生。

B:You do have a good memory.I got a full scholarship from the school.你记性真好。我从这个学校拿到全额奖学金。

A:You Lucky devi一Anywany,you deserved it.幸运儿,无论怎样,那是你应得的。

B:Thanks for your compliment.承蒙夸奖。


A:Well,the campus is very beautiful, but I haven' t known much of the school yet. Can you tell me something about it?


B:It was founded 100 years ago and it is the most famous university in our province. It has 13 schools, and the total enrollment is 20 000.这所大学建于100年前,是我省最著名的大学。学校共有13个学院和2万名学生。

A:What are the best schools of the university?那么,最好的学院是什么呢?

B:School of international business, electronics and our school computer sciences.国际商学院、电子学院和我们的计算机学院。

A:Then I must work hard, or I will fall behind.看来我得努力学习才行,不然我就跟不上了。

B:Of course you must.你当然要了.

A:I hope I don' t have too many courses.What is that building so many students are entering? Dialogue Three【wow一起走,】


B:That' s the university cafeteria. Most students are going there for early lunch. We' ll wait a while and avoid the rush.那是学校餐厅。大多数学生赶早到那儿去吃午餐。我们呆会儿再去,免得拥挤。

A:Great idea.好主意。

B:Let me show you the rest of the campus before lunch.让我在午饭前再带你看看校园其他的地方。

A:I heard that the library here is one of the oldest ones in China,where is it?


B:Yes. This way please. Here we are.是的。往这边走。就在这儿。

A:Wow,it is really beautiful.哇,真漂亮。

B:Well,you can go inside it and I' m going to the school gate to meet some friends of mine. They are going to visit our campus.你可以到里面去看看。我要到校门口去接几位朋友。他们要来参观校园。

A:Ok, thank you. See you later.那好吧,谢谢你。再见.

B:See you.再见。

1. campus校园,学校场地

2. appreciate赏识,鉴赏,感激

3. prospect景色,前景,前途

4. scholarship奖学金,学识,学问

5. deserve应受,伎得

6. compliment称赞,恭维,问候,

7. cafeteria自助餐厅

8. avoid避免

wow一起走 第二篇_幼儿英语课堂常用语200句






一、入园接待 Good morning.早上好。 Hello! 你好!

Nice to see you. 很高兴见到你。

Nice to see you, too. 见到你我也很高兴。 How are you?你好吗? Give me a hug! 拥抱一下。 Please come in. 请进。

Say good bye to your mommy/daddy/grandpa/grandma. 请跟妈妈/爸爸/爷爷/奶奶说再见 二、早操(户外活动)

It’s time to do morning exercises.早操时间到了。

Let’s go out. 让我们到室外去。 Let’s go downstairs. 让我们到楼下去。


wow一起走 第三篇_问候 Good morning

问候 Good morning. 早上好! Good afternoon. 下午好! Good morning, class. 同学们早上好! Hello, everyone! 大家好! 课程开始及休息 It''s time for class. 上课的时间到了。 Let''s begin our class. 开始上课。 Let''s start. 开始。 Shall we begin? Yes, let''s begin. 我们开始吧?好,我们开始。 Please look at me. 请看我。 Let''s have a break. 我们休息一下。 Let''s have a rest. 我们休息一下。 Break time. 休息时间。 Time is up. 时间到。 结束课程 That''s all for today! 今天就到这儿。 We stop here. 我们到此结束。 Let''s call it a day. 今天就到这儿。 Class is over. 下课。 Goodbye everyone! 大家再见。 See you next time. 下次见。 See you later. 回头见 Goodbye. / Bye-bye. 再见。 Give me a hug. 拥抱一下。游戏及活动用语-1 Let''s play a game. 我们玩游戏吧。 Let''s begin./start. 我们开始。 Are you ready? 准备好了吗? One, two, three, go! 一、二、三,开始! Who is the first one? 谁是第一名? I''m the first one. 我是第

一 名。 Who is winner? 谁赢了。 We are the winners! 我们赢了。 Who wants to try? 谁愿意来试一试? It''s your turn. 轮到你了。 Please follow me. 请跟我学。 Watch me! 看我! I will divide you into two teams. 我要把你们分成两组。 You are the APPLE team. 你们是“苹果”组。 You are the BANANA team. 你们是“香蕉”组。 Really? 真的吗? Are you sure? 肯定吗? Teacher, me! (学生语)老师,叫我! When I say your name, please stand up. 当我说到你的名字,请站起来。 Let''s count. “one, two, three~~” 我们一起数:一、二、三 Louder, please. 请大声点。 Let''s form a line. 我们排成一排。 Let''s make a circle. 我们围个圈。 Try again! 再试一次! 游戏及活动用语-2 Better luck next time. 下次好运。 Don''t feel bad. You will win next time. 别难过,你下次会赢的。 Quickly! 快! Hurry up! 赶快! Take it easy! 慢慢来! Be careful! 小心! Come on! 加油! Let''s jump. 我们一起跳。 That''s it! Keep going! 就是这样!继续! Let''s run. 我们一起跑。 Let''s hop. 我们一起单腿跳。 Let''s walk. 我们一起走。 Let''s hold hands. 我们一起手拉手。 Let''s stop. 我们停。 Clap your hands. 拍手。 Stamp your feet. 跺脚。 Raise your hands. 举手。 Wave your arms. 摆臂。 Show me your left hand. 让我看看你的左手。游戏及活动用语-3 Stretch your legs. 伸伸腿。 Stretch your arms. 伸伸胳膊。 Nod your head. 点点头。 Shake your head. 摇摇头。 Close your eyes. 闭上眼睛。 Open your eyes. 睁开眼睛。 Read after me, please. 请跟我读。 Open your books and turn to page___. 打开书,翻到第____页。 All together please. 请一起来。 Let''s read a chant. 我们一起来念儿歌。 Can you read it? 你们会读吗? Let''s sing a song. 我们来唱首歌。 Let''s sing a song with actions. 我们带着动作唱首歌。 Yes or no? 好不好? Do you like it? 你们喜欢吗? Let''s listen to the music. 我们一起听音乐。 Come here. 来这。 Go there. 去那儿。 游戏及活动用语-2 Better luck next time. 下次好运。 Don''t feel bad. You will win next time. 别难过,你下次会赢的。 Quickly! 快! Hurry up! 赶快! Take it easy! 慢慢来! Be careful! 小心! Come on! 加油! Let''s jump. 我们一起跳。 That''s it! Keep going! 就是这样!继续! Let''s run. 我们一起跑。 Let''s hop. 我们一起单腿跳。 Let''s walk. 我们一起走。 Let''s hold hands. 我们一起手拉手。 Let''s stop. 我们停。 Clap your hands. 拍手。 Stamp your feet. 跺脚。 Raise your hands. 举手。 Wave your arms. 摆臂。 Show me your left hand. 让我看看你的左手。 游戏及活动用语-3 Stretch your legs. 伸伸腿。 Stretch your arms. 伸伸胳膊。 Nod your head. 点点头。 Shake your head. 摇摇头。 Close your eyes. 闭上眼睛。 Open your eyes. 睁开眼睛。 Read after me, please. 请跟我读。 Open your books and turn to page___. 打开书,翻到第____页。 All together please. 请一起来。 Let''s read a chant. 我们一起来念儿歌。 Can you read it? 你们会读吗? Let''s sing a song. 我们来唱首歌。 Let''s sing a song with actions. 我们带着动作唱首歌。 Yes or no? 好不好? Do you like it? 你们喜欢吗? Let''s listen to the music. 我们一起听音乐。 Come here. 来这。 Go there. 去那儿。 游戏及活动用语-4 Stand up. 站起来。 Sit down. 坐下。 Turn around. 转个圈。 Hands up. 手举起来。 Hands down. 手

放下去。 Put up your hand. 举起手。 Put down your hand. 放下手。 Pick up the cards. 拿起卡片。 Point to the cards. 指着卡片。 Who can tell me? 谁能告诉我? Who can answer my question? 谁能回答我的问题? What else? 还有呢? Let''s watch TV. 我们看电视。 Do you understand? 明白了吗? Please say in English. 请用英语说。 Line up. 排好队。 Please say it one by one. 请一个一个地说。 Paper, scissors, rock. 石头、剪刀、布!(猜拳游戏) 课堂规则 Please stop talking. 请不要讲话。 Listen carefully. 注意听。 Please be quiet. 请安静。 Please keep quiet. 请保持安静。 Don''t push others. 不要推其他人。 Please pay attention. 请注意。 You are too noisy, please stop. 你太吵了,请停止。 Please don''t make noise. 不要吵。 Return to your seat. 回到你的座位上去。 表扬及鼓励用语-1 Good! 好! Pretty good! 非常好! Very good! 非常好! Good job! 干的不错! Good boy/girl! 好孩子! Good idea. 好主意。 Excellent! 真棒! Supper! 超级棒! Amazing! 太神奇了! You are amazing! 你真是太神奇了! Well done! 干的好! Very nice! 非常好! Nice try! 不错的尝试! Nice job! 干的好! Wonderful! 真棒! Wonderful job! 干得真棒! You are wonderful! 你太棒了! 表扬及鼓励用语-2 Beautiful! 真漂亮! Lovely! 真可爱! Pretty! 真漂亮! You look so lovely/pretty/nice today. 你今天看起来真可爱/漂亮/棒! Not bad! 不错! You can do it. 你能行! Brilliant! 真精彩! Brilliant job! 干的太精彩了! Brilliant idea! 精彩的点子! You are smart! 你真聪明! Great! 太棒了! You are great! 你太棒了! It looks great! 看起来太棒了! Cool! 真酷! You are so cool.! 你真酷! I agree. 我同意。 I agree with you. 我同意你说的话。 Really? Wow! 真的!太棒了。 Fantastic! 太棒了! 生活常规-1 It''s time for lunch. 午饭的时间到了。 Good night! 晚安! Put on your clothes! 穿上衣服。 Don''t grab my hair! 别抓我的头发! Put away your toys! 把玩具放好! Don''t play with scissors, please. 不要玩剪刀! Oh, dear! 噢,天那! Don''t litter! 不要乱扔垃圾! What a mess! 真是乱啊! Clean it up! 打扫干净! Where are you? 你在哪儿! There you are. 你在这儿。 Your sleeves are wet. 你的袖子湿了! 生活常规-2 Who started this? 谁先起头的? I want to know everything. 我想知道所有的情况! I saw you hit him. Say"Sorry!" 我看到你先打的他,说“对不起”! Stop fighting. 别打了! Take turns. 轮流来! Play nicely together, OK? 好好一起玩,好吗? Share your toys, OK? 跟大家分享你的玩具,好吗? Are you OK? 你还好吗? Don''t cry! 别哭! Look out! 注意了! Good catch! (球)接得好! Let''s go outside! 我们到外面去! Peek! Peek! Peekaboo! 藏!藏!藏猫猫! Peek! Peek! I see you! 藏!藏!我看到你了! Let''s play hide-and-seek! 我们玩捉迷藏吧! Found you! 抓到你了!

wow一起走 第四篇_大二下英语口语对话

1You look very good.


1could you share me your happiness?

2of course,i had a very nice holiday with my friends

1that sounds good.friendship must be a gift for you.

2there is no doubt it is.if i have some spare time,i am likely be together with my know they are very kind and interesting.i enjoy time with them. 1accompanied with others is lucky.

2How were you know each other

1We were classmates,going to school together after school. Gradually we became friends 2That sounds like a happy memories


2now you are not at the same school

1He's in hua ke university

2Not meeting will affect your relationship, you know, distance makes person become unfamiliar

1Of course not, we often chat on the Internet.Having the opportunity,we also go out to travel.

2Wow, it is really very happy for you, what is impressive experience with your friends 1 the time we study together for college entrance examination

2it is really hard for a person to forget it

1at the time we help each other and encourage each other

2it is a good memory















1I have to praise you again, you are a very educated person

2thank you

1when you are a kids,Your parents give you good education

2yes, they are good example for me .My father is a gentlemen, and mom is very kind 1What manners your parents be you when you were a child

2A lot.Both actions and words, such as not sound when you eat, to respect your elders, remember to say "hello" with others, and so on

1it is a lot .I remember when I was a child . be sure to elders eat first, before you pick up the chopsticks.I was criticized several times

1Ha ha, good food has great attraction for children.This is normal

2In fact manners has changed

1I agree with this

2When we meet with others, for example, we are no longer “作揖”, but shake hands. 1Ha ha, when leaving others, we say bye

2Times are changing, and our behavior change.

1I very much agree with you

2what will the manner be in future

1I can be sure we never say “hello” rather than “bye”





What manners your parents taught you when you were a child













1you look so happy


1can you share it with me

2of course,i just have a trip with my friends

1that sounds good.does the happiness mean to you with my friends.【wow一起走,】

1but you are not at the same university

2it is a bad thing.i think i can do it

1how do you purse your happiness


2i always keep touch with my friends.if we have some chance,we will stay together 1you are so smart.but What can you do to help those unhappy people

2it depends, you know, for those who willing to say , chatting is a good method, for others, being with them is a good method

1as for boys, drinking is a good method

What can you do to help those unhappy people




1How do you understand the heros

2I think the hero is the people who can do ordinary people can't

1What quality should a hero have

2Strong.Ordinary people can be a hero ,if they overcome all difficulties.

1anyting else?

2Positive, on the way to success, still keep optimistic even when beaten

1I think sacrifice is a key points.

2I agree

1Do you think it is important for a nation or a person to have heroes?

2of course


2We need leaders, heroes will tell us how to do.They can give a child a dream, give young people a direction, give adults the courage and make the whole country proud. How do you understand heros


What quality should a hero have




Do you think it is important for a nation or a person to have heroes?

Yes ,那是必学的



1 what factors Do you think make the big company

2The Quality of products.If the product has a problem, it is hard to foothold in the market 1I agree with you.

2Efficient management.Success depends on many clever CEO, they are the guide who determines the direction of enterprise's development

1Indeed, a visionary CEO is very important to the development of the enterprise 2Only the CEO is not enough, it also needs qualified staff

1I think employees can be trained

2Yes,giving staff a chance is necessary for the development of them

1how about the image of the enterprise

2Compared with the former,it is not important, the enterprise will have a good image after they do well

1during different periods, important things are different



Quality of products。如果一个企业生产的产品质量有问题,它很难再市场上立足 我同意,还有呢

Efficient management。很多大企业的成功取决于CEO,他们是一个企业的领路人,决定了企业的发展方向


只有CEO是不够的,qualified staff 让企业正常运营。







1Hey, I'm here

2Welcome to wuhan

wow一起走 第五篇_常用课堂用语



Good morning. 早上好! Good afternoon. 下午好!

Good morning, class. 同学们早上好! Hello, everyone / boys and girls / guys! 大家好!


It's time for class. 上课的时间到了。 Let's begin our class. 开始上课。 Let's start. 开始。

Shall we begin? Yes, let's begin. 我们开始吧?好,我们开始。 There goes the bell. Now class begins. 铃响了,现在上课。

Please open your books and turn to Page 1. 请大家把课本打开翻到第一页。

Let's have a break. 我们休息一下。 Let's have a rest. 我们休息一下。 Break time. 休息时间。 Time is up. 时间到。



That's all for today! 今天就到这儿。 We stop here. 我们到此结束。 Let's call it a day. 今天就到这儿。 Class is over. 下课。

Goodbye everyone! 大家再见。 See you next time. 下次见。 See you later. 回头见 Goodbye. / Bye-bye. 再见。

Let's sing the "goodbye" song together. 我们一起来唱“再见歌”。【wow一起走,】


Is everyone here? 每个人都在吗?

When teacher calls out your name, please stand up and say " here".老师叫到你的名字,请起立说“到”。

Do you remember your name? 还记得你们的名字吗? Is ______ here? ______在吗? Here! 到!

Who is not here? 谁没有到呢? ______ is not here. _______没到。 Why do you late? 为什么迟到? What's the matter? 发生了什么事情?

Come in, please. 请进。


Let's play a game. 我们玩游戏吧。 Let's begin./start. 我们开始。

Are you ready? 准备好了吗? One, two, three, go! 一、二、三,开始! Who is the first one? 谁是第一名? I'm the first one. 我是第一 名。 Who is winner? We are the winners! Who wants to try? It's your turn. Please follow me. Watch me! I will divide you into two teams. You are the APPLE team. You are the BANANA team. Really? Are you sure? Teacher, me! When I say your name, please stand up. 来。

Let's count. “one, two, three…” Louder, please. Let's form a line. Let's make a circle. Try again! 游戏及活动用语-2

Better luck next time. Don't feel bad. You will win next time. Quickly! Hurry up! Take it easy! Be careful! Come on! Let's jump. That's it! Keep going! Let's run. Let's hop. Let's walk. Let's hold hands. Let's stop. Clap your hands. 谁赢了。 我们赢了。

谁愿意来试一试? 轮到你了。 请跟我学。 看我!

我要把你们分成两组。 你们是“苹果”组。 你们是“香蕉”组。 真的吗? 肯定吗?

(学生语)老师,叫我! 当我说到你的名字,请站起我们一起数:一、二、三 请大声点。 我们排成一排。 我们围个圈。 再试一次! 下次好运。

别难过,你下次会赢的。 快! 赶快! 慢慢来! 小心! 加油! 我们一起跳。 就是这样!继续! 我们一起跑。

我们一起单腿跳。 我们一起走。 我们一起手拉手。 我们停。 拍手。

Stamp your feet. 跺脚。 Raise your hands. 举手。 Wave your arms. 摆臂。

Show me your left hand. 让我看看你的左手。


Stretch your legs. 伸伸腿。 Stretch your arms. 伸伸胳膊。 Nod your head. 点点头。 Shake your head. Close your eyes. Open your eyes. Read after me, please. Open your books and turn to page___. All together please. Let's read a chant. Can you read it? Let's sing a song. Let's sing a song with actions. Yes or no? Do you like it? Let's listen to the music. Come here. Go there. 游戏及活动用语-4

Stand up. Sit down. Turn around. Hands up. Hands down. Put up your hand. Put down your hand. Pick up the cards. Point to the cards. Who can tell me? Who can answer my question? What else? Let's watch TV. Do you understand? Please say in English. Line up. Please say it one by one. Paper, scissors, rock. 戏)

摇摇头。 闭上眼睛。 睁开眼睛。 请跟我读。

打开书,翻到第____页。 请一起来。

我们一起来念儿歌。 你们会读吗? 我们来唱首歌。

我们带着动作唱首歌。 好不好? 你们喜欢吗? 我们一起听音乐。 来这。 去那儿。 站起来。 坐下。 转个圈。 手举起来。 手放下去。 举起手。 放下手。 拿起卡片。 指着卡片。


谁能回答我的问题? 还有呢? 我们看电视。 明白了吗? 请用英语说。 排好队。




Please stop talking. 请不要讲话。 Listen carefully. 注意听。 Please be quiet. 请安静。

Please keep quiet. 请保持安静。 Don't push others. 不要推其他人。 Please pay attention. 请注意。

You are too noisy, please stop. 你太吵了,请停止。 Please don't make noise. Return to your seat. 表扬及鼓励用语-1

Good! Pretty good! Very good! Good job! Good boy/girl! Good idea. Excellent! Supper! Amazing! You are amazing! Well done! Very nice! Nice try! Nice job! Wonderful! Wonderful job! You are wonderful!


Beautiful! Lovely! Pretty! You look so lovely/pretty/nice today. Not bad! You can do it. Brilliant! Brilliant job! Brilliant idea! You are smart! Great! You are great! It looks great! 不要吵。

回到你的座位上去。 好! 非常好! 非常好! 干的不错! 好孩子! 好主意。 真棒! 超级棒! 太神奇了!

你真是太神奇了! 干的好! 非常好! 不错的尝试! 干的好! 真棒! 干得真棒! 你太棒了! 真漂亮! 真可爱! 真漂亮!

你今天看起来真可爱/漂亮/棒! 不错! 你能行! 真精彩!

干的太精彩了! 精彩的点子! 你真聪明! 太棒了! 你太棒了! 看起来太棒了!

Cool! 真酷! You are so cool! 你真酷! I agree. 我同意。

I agree with you. 我同意你说的话。 Really? Wow! 真的!太棒了。 Fantastic! 太棒了!


It's time for lunch. Good night! Put on your clothes! Don't grab my hair! Put away your toys! Don't play with scissors, please. Oh, dear! Don't litter! What a mess! Clean it up! Where are you? There you are. Your sleeves are wet.


Who started this? I want to know everything. I saw you hit him. Say "Sorry!" 起”!

Stop fighting. Take turns. Play nicely together, OK? Share your toys, OK? 吗?

Are you OK? Don't cry! Look out! Good catch! Let's go outside! Peek! Peek! Peekaboo! Peek! Peek! I see you! Let's play hide-and-seek! Found you!

午饭的时间到了。 晚安! 穿上衣服。

别抓我的头发! 把玩具放好! 不要玩剪刀! 噢,天那! 不要乱扔垃圾! 真是乱啊! 打扫干净! 你在哪儿! 你在这儿。 你的袖子湿了! 谁先起头的?

我想知道所有的情况! 我看到你先打的他,说“对不 别打了! 轮流来!

好好一起玩,好吗? 跟大家分享你的玩具,好 你还好吗? 别哭! 注意了!

(球)接得好! 我们到外面去!

藏!藏!藏猫猫! 藏!藏!我看到你了! 我们玩捉迷藏吧! 抓到你了!


推荐访问:wow走丢了 wow巫妖王怎么走
