
时间:2018-06-03    来源:英语学习    点击:

职场英语学习网站 第一篇_英语日常用语每日练——职场篇


An Appointment for the Interview

Rice wants to make an appointment for his interview. Now he is inquiring about it on the phone.瑞斯想预约一下面试。现在他正在通过电话咨询。

Rice: May I speak to Mrs. Liu, please?请问刘女士在吗?

Mrs. Liu: This is Liu Fang speaking.我就是。

Rice: Oh, good morning, Mrs. Liu. I'm calling to see if you have received my resume that I sent to you by Email. 哦,早上好,刘女士。我打电话来确定一下你们是否收到我用电子邮件发过去的简历。

Mrs. Liu: May I have your name, please? 可以告诉我你叫什么吗?

Rice: My name is Rice. May I ask whether I can have an interview?我叫瑞斯,我想知道我进入下一轮面试了没?

Mrs. Liu: Of course. In my opinion, you are the strongest candidate for the job. 当然了。在我看来,你在求职应征者中条件最好。

Rice: When is it most convenient for me to visit you to talk about the position?什么时候方便进行面试呢?

Mrs. Liu: I want to set up an interview for you at 9 a.m. next Monday in our company's conference room. 我想安排你下周一上午九点在我们公司的会议室里进行面试。

Rice: Thank you very much. See you then.非常感谢,到时候见。

二、职场Work——面试 Interview

Rice comes to have an interview. At this moment he is having a conversation with the interview. 瑞斯来面试,此刻他正在和面试官面谈。

Mr. Smith: Tell me a little bit about yourself, please. 能告诉我一些你自己的情况吗?

Rice: My name is Rice and I live in Beijing. I was born in 1980. I have graduated from Peking University. I majored in business administration. 我叫瑞斯,我住在北京。我出生于1980.我毕业于北京大学,主修工商管理。

Mr. Smith: What kind of job have you had? 你都做过什么工作?

Rice: I have been a production manager. 我曾经是产品经理。

Mr. Smith: Would you like to tell me about something about your outstanding achievements?你能和我分享一下你的成就吗?

Rice: I introduced an advanced product line, which increased the output and lessened the cost.我曾经引进了一条先进的生产线,可以提高产量,降低成本。

Mr. Smith: What special skills do you have? Can you tell me? 你能告诉我你有什么特别的能力吗?

Rice: I have experience in computer operation, proficiency in Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. 我有电脑操作的经验,熟练掌握微软Word和Excel.

Mr. Smith: I know in your resume that you have worked in your present company for 3 years. I want to know why do you want to leave your present job and join us? 在你的简历中,我看到你已经在现在这个公司工作三年了,能告诉我为什么你想辞职来我们公司?

Rice: Because the job I am doing in my present company is of no challenge. but I like challenge. Your firm is a young organization with many innovative ideas. It has been very successful in expanding market since its establishment 10 years ago. Working for you would be exactly the sort of challenge I am looking for. 我离开这个公司是因为现在这个工作没有挑战性,但我喜欢挑战。贵公司是一家具有创新精神的年轻公司,自创建10年以来,在市场拓展方面取得了巨大的成功。能为你们工作,正是我所追求的那种挑战。

Mr. Smith: Well, I think our interview is complete then. We will give you a call in ten days or so. 好吧,我想我们的面谈就到此为结束。我们大概会在10天后跟你联系。

Rice: 谢谢你,史密斯先生。

三、职场Work——面试结果 the Result

After the interview, Rice is anxious to know the result. Now he is calling to inquire about it.面试后瑞斯急切想知道结果。现在他正打电话询问。

Rice: Hello, this is Rice. Is that Mrs. Wang? I'm just calling to follow up about the status of the personnel manager position. 你好,我是瑞斯。你是王女士吗?我打电话来时想问一下人事经理的招聘情况。

职场英语学习网站 第二篇_外企工作三年的职场牛人分享英语学习经验



没学过英语的人好不了多少。由于工作的需要,经常性的去参加培训自己感觉水平稍微提高了一点。最主要的是对学习英语的认识改 变了,学习方法改变了。

有次有个老外对我说,英语是skill不是knowledge。我觉得这个总结得相当好,英语不是知识,只是一门技能。学习知识和掌握技能所用的方法是截然不同的。掌握技能关键是要用,用得多了自然就掌握了。但同时也要讲究方法。就象学游泳一样,好的老师用正确的方法教,那肯定比自己瞎扑腾要学得快学得好。 想起以前总是傻傻的背单词,还自己写了程序背。其实单纯背单词的学习效果是很差的。远不如背句子及短文。




“说”,其实找老外对练是最好的了,但是有个问题是不是哪里都有老外,也不是谁都认识老外,前段时间发现一个练口语和听力的网站不错,下面网址推荐的第一个,我感觉不错。需要练习的朋友可以去看一下。 写就没这么简单了。很多短语,或是语法,在阅读时都不是问题。可要在自己写东西的时候却什么也写不出来,全认得,就是写



















16.大学英语四级考试听力MP3 100篇/doc/enlisten/511_1017.htm

















职场英语学习网站 第三篇_国内英文新闻网站


1. 双语新闻(声音、文字文件):

2. 新浪英文版:

3. 英语听力特快:/

4. 英语新闻在线:/index.php

5. VOA 慢速英语:

6. 新华社新闻英文版: /english

7. 中国日报英文版: .cn

8. 中国国际广播电台英语学习网站

9. 中国日报英语点津网 .cn/language_tips/index.html


1. Newsweek 《新闻周刊》 /

2. New Scientist 《新科学家》/

3. Time 《时代周刊》/

4. Washington Post《华盛顿邮报》/

5. the New York Times (纽约时报) ()

6. 21st Century Online(21世纪英语报)


7. Economist(经济学家)()

8. Chicago Tribune news(芝加哥论坛报)()

9. Detroit News(底特律新闻) ()

10.《美国新闻》 ()

11. USA Today(今日美国) ()

12. Wall Street Journal(华尔街报) ()

13. Guardian(英国卫报) (

17. The Mirror (镜报)

20. Irish Post (爱尔兰邮报) (

24. Reader's Digest(读者文摘) ()

25. Business Week(商业周刊) ()

26. History Today(历史杂志) ( )

27. Esquire (绅士杂志) ()

28. The American Spectator(美国观察者) (/fashionuk)

30. The Economist (经济学家杂志) ()

31. Marketing Week(行销周刊) ()

34. Popular Science(大众科学)

35. Science(科学杂志) (








旺旺英语网 /huayuan/english





了解英美的风土人情,不仅可以增加对英语的理解,还有助于提高英语学习兴趣。Be Beyond是一家中国留美学生办的全英文网站,除了介绍英美各地的概况,还教您怎么样才能够说出和英美当地人一样的英语,还提供各地方用户交流的社区。

adventuretv, 提供视频资料,内容多是各地的风土人情 /【职场英语学习网站】



美国最大的免费在线参考网站 /reference/下有Columbia Encyclopedia, Roget’s Thesauri, American Heritage Dictionary, Columbia History of English and American Literature等众多参考词典。更新快,内容丰富。

在线简明哥伦比亚百科全书, 有5万多词条。


地名大词典 汉英论坛,高手云集,可上贴提问,回答率高。 (最好问比较难的) 自由翻译者冯京葆的个人网站,包括翻译知识、译坛趣事等。更新慢。





英语麦当劳,顾名思义,就是以快餐方式提供英语学习的地方,站点上主要栏目有“聊天E文”、“英语面面观”、“中英对译”、“热点新词荟萃”、“实用口语系列”、“西方习语典故”、“英语精品文摘”、“诗话抒情”,内容异常丰富,阅读完后保证能够提高您的英文写作水平。 / 语法 比较详尽的语法教程,包括练习,可下载。 东南大学研究生写作课程,只有7单元,对提高阅读和写作能力却很有帮助。 英文写作助手。多种国外资源链接。

社区、听力、口语、演讲 /eng/index.htm 洪恩在线。英语学习社区。外教讲座。

职场英语学习网站 第四篇_职场英语学习适合什么人


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职场英语学习网站 第五篇_职场英语


The traditional job interview uses questions to find out if you have the necessary skills and enthusiasm for the post, along with the ability to fit in. If you are able to successfully communicate answers to questions such as; ―what are your strengths and weaknesses‖ or ―why do you want to work for this company‖ there is a good chance the interview will be a success.


Another popular interviewing technique is more behavioural. Typical questions asked in a behavioural interview might be; ―tell me about a time when had to face a difficult problem‖ or ―have you ever failed to achieve a goal‖.


The telephone interview is used by many companies merely as screening interview to weed out weaker candidates. However it is also a good method to get in touch with people in other countries. Therefore for those wishing to work abroad it may be the first interview they have.


A group interview is designed to see how you interact with others. Prospective candidates are gathered together for an informal discussion about some topic. The job seekers who shine at this kind of interview will be asked back for a personal interview.


The one to one interview occurs after you have already convinced your prospective employer that you have the skills and education necessary for the job. This might have been established because of the excellence of your CV and covering letter. In addition there may have been a telephone interview where you impressed them enough to proceed to this stage.


The opposite of a one to one interview is a committee interview. Here you will face several members of the company and be asked a wide variety of questions; they may set you a problem to see how well you can come up with a plan for dealing with it.


A lunch interview might seem more informal but remember you are still being observed. You should treat it in the same way as an office interview but try to relax and get along with your interviewer.


If the position you are applying for involves a lot of stress the interviewer might deliberately set up a stressful situation. These stress interviews are designed to see how well you would handle pressure. The interviewer may keep you waiting or be rude, sarcastic or argumentative. Don‘t take it personally, stay calm and stick to what you had planned to say. Most candidates never come across this type of interview but you should know they exist.

如果你申请的职位需要处理压力较大的工作,那面试时对方可 能会刻意设计一个压力较大的面试环境。这是为了观察你如何应对压力。面试官可能会故意让你等、不然就是刻意表现得很粗鲁、对你挑刺、跟你争辩。记得不要太 在意这些,镇静一点,把你想表达的都表达到。大部分的应征者都不会遇到这种面试,但是你要知道这类型面试是的确存在的。

The situational interview and the case interview are similar. In a situational interview you will asked how you would respond to a specific situation. You could be asked, for example, how you would handle an angry customer and you should draw on your past experiences to give an answer, with examples and stories to back you up. A case interview is much more specific and is used by

employers such as management consulting firms and investment banks. Here you are asked to discuss a particular business problem in order to assess your problem solving skills.

―事例面试‖或是―事件面试‖比较类似。在―事例面试‖中,面试官会问你如果处理一个具体的事例。比如―你如果应对一名生气的顾 客?‖ 你要用自己过去的经验来应答,并举例说明来证实自己的说法;而―事件面试‖中的问题可能涉及更多细节。通常管理顾问公司和投资银行会用到这种面试形式。面 试官会问你如何处理一种特别的商务问题,从而看你是否有能力解决。

拖沓症(Procrastination),现代人特别是学生中常见,表现为把该做的事情拖到明天、后天甚至截止期前一天再做。猜测的拖沓症原因有诸如: 喜欢压力、害怕失败、完美主义、缺乏自我控制、寻求刺激或者其它一些心理疾病。克服拖沓的常见建议有:设定具体目标、先做你不想做的事。相关领域著名学者 Joseph R. Ferrari 说:―Telling someone who procrastinates to buy a weekly planner is like telling someone with chronic depression to just cheer up.‖


The end of the holiday means that life returns to normal – or worse than normal – if you are a procrastinator like Shen Li and have been putting work off to the last minute.


Shen, 27, is a website editor in Beijing. Before the holiday, her boss told her to plan a special spring edition.【职场英语学习网站】


She had a whole week to do it. Plenty of time for online shopping and reading first. On the eve of the deadline, she hadn‘t worked out a single word.


―I don‘t have other tasks to finish first,‖ Shen admitted. ―I just have no appetite for work until it becomes urgent.‖


Procrastination is common, both in the workplace and on campus. Shen has found that many peers‘ habits of putting off work are formed at school.


College students will be familiar with Wei Xiao‘s experience. The 22-year-old postgraduate in journalism from Peking University decided to write an essay one month before it was due.

大学生们一定对魏笑(音译)的经历不陌生。22岁的魏笑是北京大学新闻系研究生。她原本打算在上交日期前1个月开始写一篇论文。 However, she started to write her essay only one day before the deadline. Wei then spent the whole day on Renren.com and micro blogs to ―take a break‖. She ended up writing all night and barely met the deadline.


Fixed habits


According to Lu Xuebin, a career expert from Datihu.com, the problem of procrastination reflects young people‘s failure to change their mindset formed during high school days.


―There‘s nothing to be proud of if a college student bones up for exams and gets good marks,‖ said Lu. ―College years are the transition period leading to the workplace, where procrastination is definitely a big no-no.‖


Interestingly, Shen said she saw that point when she graduated and started working. However, when she finished tasks ahead of the deadline, the boss showed suspicion rather than satisfaction. The boss might hint, ―Have you done all the work you can?‖ Instead, colleagues who put off work and looked busy at the last minute were regarded as ―diligent‖.

有趣的是,沈丽说毕业后刚开始工作时她就意识到了这一点。可是,如果她在截止日 期前提前完成任务,老板就会对她的工作表示怀疑而不是满意。老板也许在暗示:―你把你能做的工作都做完了吗?‖相反,那些工作拖拖拉拉,到最后几分钟都显 得很忙的同事们,总被老板当做―勤奋‖的员工。

Fang Chao, 25, has worked at an accounting firm in Beijing for three years. He also talked about colleagues‘ influence on his putting off dealing with tasks.


Fang said: ―Colleagues might think you are seeking the boss‘s attention if you hand in assignments faster than anyone else.‖ 方超说:―如果你比别人提前完成任务,同事们可能会认为你想引起老板的注意。‖

Faced with such a dilemma, smart employees should adopt a balanced schedule, instead of procrastinating, said Lu.


Take an assignment due in three days for example. You can use Day One to work out the first draft, Day Two to ask colleagues for advice and Day Three to improve your final version.


If slacking off is an accepted and unwritten practice among colleagues, young professionals should think of changing –not

themselves–but jobs.



―You may need to change your job if you cannot accept such a corporate culture,‖ said Lu. ―If you choose to stay, you can still work fast and use the remaining time to develop your interest in reading or writing to keep improving yourself.‖


CVs are a summary of your skills and achievements and they need to be short; preferably a maximum of two pages. You have the freedom to choose which format you think will most appeal to your prospective employer and so will maximise your strengths whilst minimising your weaknesses.


The standard CV is theChronological CV; this is the traditional, familiar layout and is the most commonly used format. A second type is theFunctional CVwhich focuses on skills and achievements rather than employment history and qualifications.

标准简历是以时间为序进行制作的,它的布局传统、常见,且使用频率最高。第二种形式的简历是功能型简历,侧重于对自身技能和成绩的描述,而不是工作经历和资质。 Which CV format is best for you, depends, to some extent, on your career development. If you are a recent graduate, the standard CV, which is also called a competency-based CV, is more suitable. For a more mature student, a

skills-based CV works well, as it demonstrates life experiences more effectively. However it is useful for any job seeker, who is applying for a career that is not directly related to his or her degree subject or previous experience.

在某种程度上说,哪一种简历更适合自己取决于自身的职业发展情况。如果你是一名刚毕业的大学生,标准简历(也称为基于个人能力的简历)更为合适。对于成熟的 求职者,基于技能的简历更合适,因为它能有效地描述个人经历。同时它也适用于那些寻找与自己所学专业和之前工作经历无关的工作的求职者。

Here is a standard graduate CV:(一份标准的简历应该是这样的:)

Paul William Marrow

(use bold type face to make important information stand out)

Home address: Other address:

45, Sunset Drive, (if you have any other address work or university etc)


M3 7EY

Tel.(0161) 542 6781 Date of Birth:6. 11. 1983

Email:pwm83@mail.com Nationality: British


University of Tsinghua Bsc(Hons.) Computer Science 2007-2010

Subjects include:(list the relevant parts of your syllabus to the job you are applying for)

Software engineering and system software. Visualisation and computer graphics

I obtained 74% in my second year exams equivalent to a 2:1(include any results which are good)

My project involved test automation techniques, which required independent research skills(mention relevant project or dissertation work, also useful skills such as team work or problem solving)

Manchester Grammar School 1999-2007

‗A‘ Levels: Mathematics C, Physics C, Biology D(Chinese graduates applying to a Western company or university should establish how grades are scaled in China)

7 GCSEs including Mathematics, English and Spanish


Horse and Hounds Pub, Manchester 2007 to present

Part time barmen serving customers and managing the accounts(shows you can keep accounts and balance the books)

Odeon Cinema, Manchester Summer 2006

Assisting customers, keeping accounts and booking films(shows more evidence of being good at numbers)【职场英语学习网站】


 President of Anglo-Chinese Understanding Society, Tsinghua University; involved booking guest speakers(evidence of organising skills) I enjoy playing football for the University football team Other interests include sailing and reading sci fi novels


 Programming skills in Java and Modula 3. Good knowledge of Linux and SQL(explain acronymsunless they are common. In this case computer employers would know what you mean) Good level of spoken Spanish Full clean driving licence


I am happy to supply these on request(it is not essential to name these in your CV and you might be running out of space. In any case you could put them in your covering letter if necessary)







‗There is a good turn-out this evening. Have you been to any other Chamber of Commerce events?‘今天晚上有一个很好的活动。你曾经去过其他商业活动的会议厅吗?

对你吃的食物进行评论或者询问爱好和兴趣。 例如: ‗I think I have seen you at the golf club. Do you play regularly?‘我想我在高尔夫俱乐部见过你。你经常打吗?




和别人建立一种关系 — 集中你自己的经历,并结合其他人的反应。




‗What do you think?‘你在想什么?

‗How about you?‘你呢?


如果你的对话转移到其他话题上 — 让它去吧。


职场英语学习网站 第六篇_职场英语:六个技巧巧谈薪资

You’re sitting in a job interview and everything has been goinggreat. You’re feeling really good about how you’ve respondedto all the questions so far. Then, the hiring manager asks, “Howmuch money do you currently make?” or “How much salary doyou expect?” Your heart races and you begin to sweat. Howshould you answer?

你正在参加一场工作面试,而且事事都进行得顺顺利利。到目前为止,你对于刚才回答的所有问题感觉很不错。接着,这位招聘经理问道,“你当前的工资是多少?”或者“你期望的薪资是多少?”你的心跳加速,并开始出汗。你应该如何作答? As a recent mentee discovered, the salary question can be a difficult topic to discuss if you haven’talready thought through potential responses. “James” (name changed) felt he had been close tobeing hired during several job interviews. Then the inevitable salary question came up and thehiring managers asked what James was making in his current position. He told the truth and, inboth cases, the hiring managers responded that James’ current salary was more than what theposition would pay.


“What’s the best way to respond to the question of how much are you making in your currentposition?” James asked me. “I let both hiring managers know I’m flexible with salary, but itseemed like once they heard what I’m currently making, they kind of switched off and didn’tconsider me as a viable candidate anymore.”




